Adultery vs Fornication Islam

Adultery vs Fornication Islam. Adultery: According to Muslim belief, any married person who has a sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse commits adultery. Adultery is viewed as even more serious than premarital sex.

Adultery Vs Fornication Islam
Adultery vs Fornication Islam

Although the person doing it already has a partner who can meet their sexual needs, they have broken their spouse’s trust in loyalty that Allah commands in the Quran. In addition, they show a complete lack of respect for one another.

For very good reasons, Muslims believe Allah has forbidden sex outside of marriage. There are many problems in society that are caused by these relationships:

  • The disobedience of the Lord of the worlds, who wisely ordained marriage,
  • The disregard for family values,
  • The lack of commitment and mutual respect for something so intimate,
  • Women (and men) are often used and then discarded, so this is disrespectful to them.
  • As a single mother struggling to care for her children alone,
  • There are many children who don’t know who their father is,
  • Feeling unwanted can cause mental anguish for children,
  • Lack of security and comfort found in loving families,
  • Women without the protection of marriage are more likely to be abused,
  • When a mother lives with a series of men and has children with them, extended family structures and communities are broken up.
  • Loss of lineage and parental lines that serve as family anchors.
  • Therefore, premarital sex, adultery, and loose sexual morals lead to the exploitation of women and children, as well as social discord and breakdown.

According to Allah’s Messenger, there is no escape from the precise amount of fornication in which a man will indulge. Fornication of the eyes refers to lustful looks, fornication of the ears refers to listening to the lewd talk, fornication of the tongue refers to lewd speech, fornication of the hand refers to lustful grips (or embraces), fornication of the feet refers to walking to the place where he intends to commit fornication, and fornication of the heart refers to what he may or may not do.” (Sahih Muslim 2658)

As he continued, he said: “A fornicator who fornicates is not a believer while he commits fornication, and a thief who steals is not a believer while he steals, and a drinker is not a believer while he drinks alcohol, and repentance may be accepted afterward.” (Sahih Muslim 57) Disobedience reduces faith’s perfection and causes it to decrease.

It has also been stated by the Prophet that “Fornicating men do not inherit anything, nor do they inherit the child they bear with the woman they fornicate with.” (Tirmidhi 2113, sahih) In such a circumstance, the child is attributed solely to the mother and not to the fornicating man.

According to his Companions, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah grant him peace, was asked about fornication, and they answered: “It is prohibited.”. According to him, it is less serious if one fornicates with ten women than if he fornicates with the wife of his neighbor.”

Then he asked about stealing.  In response, they said, “It’s unlawful.”. This has been sanctioned by Allah and His Messenger.” He stated, “A person stealing from ten houses is less serious than taking from his neighbor.” (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 103, sahih).

In the time of Allah’s Messenger, a woman confessed to adultery and was executed. After that, he prayed for her (the funeral prayer). In response to Umar’s question: “Are you praying for her even though she committed fornication?” He replied: “Even if she were to share her sins with seventy people of Madinah, it would be sufficient for them all. Has there ever been a repentance better expressed than one whose life was sacrificed to Allah, the Mighty, and the Sublime? According to An-Nas‘i‘s 1957 extract from the Qur’an.

Islam prohibits all forms of fornication and adultery and blocks all avenues that lead to them. As opposed to man-made legislation, which has set penalties for adultery and fornication while facilitating every means leading to them, it does not have laws that contradict one another. Furthermore, some societies allow fornication and adultery and do not penalize those who commit them. 

In some societies, this act is considered a crime only when committed in the marital home; it is not considered a crime if committed outside the marital home! The Islamic faith, on the other hand, prohibits fornication, adultery, and everything that leads to it.

Depending on the severity of the sin, Allah the Almighty imposes punishment ranging from lashing to stoning to death, as well as humiliation caused by informing the community about the perpetrator. [Allah The Almighty Says: [Fornicators and fortresses, flog each other with a hundred stripes. Don’t hold pity with you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Him and the Last Day. Let the believers witness their punishment. [This is for unmarried persons, but married persons are stoned to death] [Quran, 24: 2]

As punishment for adultery and fornication, the Prophet stated: “If the parties (committing fornication) are unmarried, they should receive 100 lashes and be exiled for a year.” [Muslim] “Those who commit adultery after marriage should receive 100 lashes and then be stoned to death.”

Adultery and fornication’s evil consequences:Adultery vs Fornication Islam

According to Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim,

Adultery and fornication combine all the evils; weak commitment to religion, lack of piety, corruption of manhood, and low praiseworthy jealousy.” An adulterer or fornicator will never be pious, fulfill his promises, be truthful in his speech, maintain friendships, or be jealous of his wife; he will be characterized by lies, deception, betrayal, accepting prohibitions, and neglecting Allah.” These are all consequences of fornication and adultery.

In addition, there are other consequences, such as:

  • A person who incurs the wrath of Allah the Almighty.
  • The corruption of one’s wife and children.
  • It will be obvious to people that the face is poor and gloomy.
  • The darkness of the heart.
  • Being considered insignificant by people and Allah the Almighty.
  • An adulterer or fornicator loses the characteristics of chastity and righteousness and is known as a sinful, betraying adulterer or fornicator.
  • Being classified as an atheist in general.
  • Being referred to as an evil person.

Read also: Are Adultery and Fornication the same ?; Can Adultery be Forgiven in Islam?; What does Adultery mean in Islam; Why Adultery Should Not Be a Crime

Angel Eulises Ortiz