Aquarium Feng Shui

Aquarium Feng Shui : Position, living room, numbers fish, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, front door, empty, is good or bad, Arowana fish, colors, east, Koi fish, Goldfish, In the kitchen, 5 fish, near stairs, office, Saltwater, South.

Aquarium feng shui : Position, living room, numbers fish, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, front door, empty, is good or bad, Arowana fish, colors, east, Koi fish, Goldfish, In the kitchen, 5 fish, near stairs, office, Saltwater, South
Aquarium feng shui : Position, living room, numbers fish, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, front door, empty, is good or bad, Arowana fish, colors, east, Koi fish, Goldfish, In the kitchen, 5 fish, near stairs, office, Saltwater, South



If you want to bring luck to your home, place the aquarium feng shui in a specific part of your home, such as keep it in the Southeast that the North or East follows.

The south area brings wealth and is called the Abundance area, while the north is best for a career. Don’t place the fish aquarium in the kitchen or bedroom and decorate it with all types of fish. If your aquarium is well decorated, it will bring luck, abundance, and a smooth flow of qi because it brings luck with both fish and water.

Aquarium feng shui Position

According to the Feng shui experts, it is good to place the aquarium in the Southeast area of the home as it represents the wealth area and abundance at home, the North area as its shows good career, and the east area as it shows Health and Family.

But it is also recommended to never place the aquarium in the kitchen or bedroom. Keeping the aquarium according to the proper position is necessary, and the best thing to place the aquarium feng shui Position is a Bagua diagram.

According to Feng shui, keeping fish tanks in the south is home to bring wealth and prosperity. Besides this, also place it in the north or east sections of your home to bring career luck and healthy luck. You can also place the fish tank to block off sha qi from exterior structures with a bridge or corners of neighbors’ houses. 

Placing a fish tank in a proper place reduces stress and mental pressure. The door of your house is considered The Life Journey sector and linked with the flowing water, so placing the aquarium near the door of the home brings a flood of wealth.

Aquarium feng shui  in living room

According to the Vastu Shastra, the worst thing will happen if you place the aquarium feng shui in the living room in the south direction, while it will be best to keep the aquarium feng shui in the living room near the north or east direction.

The ideal place to keep the aquarium feng shui is the living room. When you take proper care of fishes, their health and hygiene of the fishes, tank, you will be blessed by divine forces.

Fishes react with their surroundings and disturbances. For example, loud noise and vibration disturb them and badly affect their health. That is why it is good to keep the aquarium in a quiet corner. Also, keep it in your bedroom as there will be little activity in the bedroom, and it is the quietest part of the home.

Numbers fish in aquarium feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the best number of fishes placed in the home is nine. You can keep an ideal combination, such as keeping one black or darker colored fish and mixing it with eight bright-colored goldfish, or you can keep Arowana fish.

The nine number is complete and most auspicious feng shui, so keep nine or multiple of nine fishes. If you have a small aquarium, then place 5 or one fish. Besides this, check the movement and activity of fishes as it signifies a smooth energy flow.

Aquarium feng shui in the bedroom

It is recommended that feng shui not place the aquarium in the bedroom. When you place the aquarium feng shui in the bedroom, it stimulates Chi, causing extra sleeping and eating excess food. If you want a good flow of Chi, keep the tank clean and take proper care of fish to bring prosperity.

Aquarium feng shui in bathroom

If you keep the aquarium feng shui in the flowing water, it will bring more positivity. The best water amount in a heated tank is a 5+ gallon filter. In this environment, keep fish care and ensure the arrangement of flight, heat, and filter because these are power points. 

So, if you keep the Feng Shui aquarium in the bathroom, the water changes easily. So, it brings more wealth. Besides this, it is also good to keep goldfish in the bathroom that are carp fish. The gold color of these fishes is especially auspicious to call good luck, fortune, and wealth.

Feng shui aquarium in dining room

According to the feng shui, keeping the fish tank or aquarium in the dining room is not good. Placing an aquarium in the dining room stimulates too much Chi, so you feel that you eat too much or your money is wasted. 

So, it is necessary not to keep the aquarium in the dining room. Instead of placing the aquarium in the dining room, keep the focus on home design and creativity. If your home has enough space, you can keep the aquarium tank on the dining table, pillar tanks, bar table tanks near the kitchen door, and much more.

Feng shui aquarium near the front door

If you want the flow of health and luck in your home, the front door is the ideal place to keep the fountain or fish tank. It is best to place the feng shui aquarium on the right side of the door. When you come into your home, you will face the aquarium, which is good. 

If you want to increase your feng shui front door, placing the aquarium near the door is the biggest wealth spot that is exactly outside the door to the kitchen. Besides this, also place it a bit towards the south side to prevent it from a bad spot.

Empty aquarium feng shui

It is right that keeping an aquarium with the goldfish or other feng shui fishes brings luck, and fish tanks are good feng shui energies. But, many people want to know whether an empty aquarium is good or bad at home.

It is the rule that empty things are unlucky for home, and keeping an empty aquarium brings negative energies. If you have an old aquarium, throw it and keep it out of view. Keeping an empty aquarium or broken fish tank is very bad for home.

If you place an empty aquarium in your home, your source of income and wealth will be loose. If you are not using a fish tank, keep it safe or throw it away. The only ideal place for placing an aquarium is the living room, but even the living room and the door entrance are not good for placing an empty aquarium.

Aquarium feng shui  is good or bad

Keeping aquarium fishes in the home brings wealth and good luck with their gold color. But, All types of fish are good feng shui as well. When you keep Fish in aquariums, the water and fish bring abundance, prosperity, and fortune to Feng shui. 

When you place the aquarium in the Wealth (Xun) area, luck will flow more and more. When you place the fish aquarium near the entry door, you invite wealth from the outer world. The fish aquarium and tanks are considered best for success and harmony because fishes signify liveliness and positivity. So, bringing fish in tanks brings positive vibes. The happiness and health of fish keep you happier.

Arowana fish in aquarium feng shui

The best fish species to place in the aquarium is Arowana or dragonfish, which has enough power to bring prosperity and luck. In China, red and gold Arowana are very costly as their colors are specific for good luck. 

When you place the Arowana in the aquarium, it will attract money and wealth like a magnet. Arowana fish in aquarium feng shui are a sign of luck as this fish brings happiness like its wealth. The prize of fish is due to fish imbues to its owners.

For the Chinese emperor, the dragonfish is a great symbol. It was said that the royal families kept descendants of the dragon. Dragonfish was a great symbol and favorite gift between business executives and owners in the past.

You can keep black, red, gold, and silver Arowana. The red Asian Arowana is not for import because its scales reflect a tendency, and when light touches it, rainbow colors reflect these. If you want to keep Arowana, choose any color that appeals to you.

You can keep a fair number of Arowana Fish for Feng Shui . The best number of Arowana fish is one black and 8 gold or redfish. When these fishes move, they bring yang energy into the water to bring good luck.

Aquarium feng shui colors

The color of fish is very important in Feng shui colors. If you will keep bright colors such as blue, yellow, and red promote good “chi.” You can keep gold-colored fish with blackfish, but it will be best to keep 2 gold and 1 blackfish or 8 gold and 1 black.

If you keep fish in gold or white color, it shows metal elements. Metal is related to water generation, producing fortune, and attracting prosperity. The gray, blue, and black feng shui fishes are linked to the water element.

According to Feng shui, these colors attract abundance. Most fishes in feng shui contain bright colors to bring positive feelings and happiness. According to the Feng Shui perspective, Blue and black belong to water while the metal color is water, gold, white, and silver. 

The earth colors are yellow and brown, and the fire colors are red and purple, while green and jade are related to wood colors. The dominant color in Feng shui is a metal color, and it should be top of all fishes. It is because fishes of metal color bring wealth to water. The color of fishes related to Earth and Wood is not best for the aquarium as it does not bring much wealth.

Aquarium feng shui in east

It’s necessary to keep the terrarium according to the proper position, and the smart thing to place the aquarium feng shui Position is a Bagua illustration. 

According to the Feng shui experts, it’s good to place the terrarium in the Southeast area of the home as it represents the wealth area and cornucopia at home, the North area as its shows good career, and the east area shows Health and Family.

But it’s also recommended to norway place the terrarium in the kitchen or bedroom. According to Vastu Shastra, the best place to place the fish tank is in your house’s north or east direction.

Aquarium feng shui with Koi fish

Koi are found worldwide favorite carp type, but there is something special in the Koi fish.The Koi breed is very special in Japan due to its lucky features. Koi fishes can live easily in the aquarium, but these fishes need extra care for surviving, or we can say that the life span of koi fishes is short. 

The size of koi fish is messy, so you can place them with other fish with care and maintenance. In Japanese culture, koi fish symbolizes spiritual abundance or advancement. If you place the aquarium in the home, the koi spirit near you attracts fortune and spiritual benefits that will be very lucky.

Aquarium feng shui Goldfish

The best fish to keep in the aquarium are goldfish and Arowana fish. You can combine 8 goldfish with one dark blackfish or one Arowana fish. The combination of red and blackfish will also be best.

Goldfish is best if you want an indoor feng shui aquarium because their gold color is perfect for bringing wealth. You can keep gold-colored fish with blackfish, but it will be best to keep 2 gold and 1 blackfish or 8 gold and 1 black.

Aquarium feng shui in the kitchen

According to the feng shui, keeping the fish tank, feng shui fishes, or aquarium in the kitchen is not best. Placing an aquarium in the kitchen stimulates and brings too much Chi, so you feel that you eat too much and your money is wasted. 

So, it is necessary not to keep the aquarium in the dining room. Instead of placing the aquarium in the dining, keep the focus on the home design of your home. If your home and kitchen do not have enough space, you can keep the aquarium tank on the dining table, pillar tanks, bar table tanks near the kitchen door, and much more.

Aquarium feng shui with 5 fish

It is best to keep 9 fishes in the aquarium feng shui to balance everything, love, prosperity, and wealth. But, if you have a small living space for keeping an aquarium, it will be best to keep 5 fishes in the fish tank because 5 fishes will bring much luck and good wealth to your home.

Aquarium feng shui near stairs

Most people place the aquarium at any house, such as stairs, because the aquarium looks perfect but not for the wealthy. You can use the place under the stairs for other feng shui items, but it is best for placing fish aquariums as there is a lack of light and air. In this area, fishes may not feel free, so this area is not best for keeping the fish.

Aquarium feng shui in the office

It is good to place the aquarium of fish in the entry areas such as door areas and office areas as it brings more wealth and qi into your home. for the inviting abundance and prosperity. Fish and aquariums contain many places in Vastu Shastra and are considered very auspicious. 

That is why you can keep the aquarium in the office to make good deals and bring more wealth. It also brings positivity and removes negative energy. The best place to keep the aquarium is in the north or east reception area. Besides this, you can also keep it north-west or Southeast.

Aquarium feng shui Saltwater

Saltwater indicates seawater that is rich in metals and minerals. The metal is related to water that is rich in wealth and prosperity. If you place saltwater in the aquarium, it will bring more energy to fishes, remaining fresh. When the fish is happy, you will feel a positive change in your home.

Aquarium feng shui in south

According to Feng Shui’s experts, it’s good to place the aquarium in the southeast area of ​​the room because it represents the area of ​​wealth and abundance at home in the northern region as a good career show. 

According to Feng shui, you should keep fish tanks in the south to bring wealth and prosperity. Besides this, also place it in the north or east sections of your home to bring career luck and healthy luck, the east area as it shows Health and Family.

But it is also recommended to never place the aquarium in the kitchen or bedroom. Keeping the aquarium according to the proper position is necessary, and the best thing to place the aquarium feng shui Position is a Bagua diagram.

Feng Shui Aquarium: Questions & Answers

Why is an aquarium considered good in Feng Shui?  

An aquarium is viewed favorably in Feng Shui because it represents a harmonious combination of several auspicious elements. Water is a symbol of wealth and abundance in Feng Shui, and moving water (like that in an aquarium) stimulates positive chi or energy. The fish in the aquarium symbolize movement and growth, reinforcing the flow of abundance. Additionally, the myriad colors and graceful movement of fish can also help reduce stress, providing a calming environment for introspection and relaxation.

Where is the best place to position an aquarium in the home?  

In Feng Shui, the ideal placement for an aquarium is in the southeast corner of your living space, as this area corresponds to the wealth and abundance sector. Placing an aquarium here can enhance the flow of prosperity and abundance. The north area, related to career, is another favorable spot. However, avoid placing the aquarium in the bedroom or kitchen as it might introduce too much yang energy, which can disrupt sleep or clash with the fire element of the kitchen.

Which fish are considered most auspicious?  

Koi and goldfish are frequently chosen for Feng Shui aquariums. Goldfish, especially the golden ones, symbolize wealth and prosperity. The black goldfish represents protection, absorbing any negative energy. Koi, particularly the colorful ones, signify determination and perseverance, as they overcome obstacles in nature. Including a combination of nine fish, with eight being gold or red and one being black, is considered particularly lucky.

How does the number of fish in the aquarium influence Feng Shui?  

Numbers hold significant meaning in Feng Shui. Traditionally, having nine fish is considered beneficial – eight red or gold ones and one black one. Eight represents abundance, and the number nine symbolizes endings and beginnings, indicating a continuous cycle of growth.

Are there any shapes of aquariums that are more auspicious?  

Rectangular or square aquariums are most recommended because they align with the Feng Shui principle of stability. Curved or round aquariums are fine too, as they represent the metal element, but it’s essential to ensure they’re not too small. Avoid irregularly shaped aquariums, as they can disrupt the flow of chi.

How often should the water be changed?  

Regular cleaning is crucial to maintain the positive chi. Stagnant or dirty water can bring negative energy. It’s advisable to change a portion of the water every week, ensuring it’s clean and clear. Regularly checking the pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels also helps in maintaining a healthy environment for the fish.

Is the type of water important?  

Yes, water quality is vital. Using dechlorinated tap water or natural spring water is best. Avoid water with high levels of chemicals, as it’s not only harmful for the fish but can also introduce negative energy.

Can decorations inside the aquarium enhance its Feng Shui?  

Certainly. Decorations like smooth rocks, plants, and small structures can enhance chi flow. However, avoid sharp objects or overly aggressive imagery, as they can disrupt harmony. Choose decorations that resonate with peace and natural balance.

What is the importance of light in a Feng Shui aquarium?  

Light stimulates growth and positive energy. Natural light is the best, but if it’s not possible, ensure your aquarium has a good-quality artificial light. This promotes plant growth and provides a vibrant environment for the fish.

Should the aquarium have a lid?  

While a lid can prevent fish from jumping out and reduce water evaporation, it should allow for ample airflow. An aquarium that’s too enclosed can hinder the flow of positive chi.

Are there certain plants considered good for Feng Shui in aquariums?  

Yes. Plants like Java fern, Anubias, and bamboo are favored in Feng Shui because they represent growth, purification, and good luck. Ensure the plants are healthy, as dying or wilting plants can introduce negative energy.

How can one ensure good Feng Shui if the aquarium is placed in an office?  

In an office setting, position the aquarium near the entrance but not directly in line with the door. This can act as a barrier, diverting any negative energy while inviting prosperity.

What to avoid when setting up a Feng Shui aquarium?  

Avoid overcrowding, overfeeding, and placing the aquarium in areas with too much direct sunlight, which can lead to algae growth. Regular maintenance is essential to avoid negative chi from stagnant or dirty water.

How does the sound of the aquarium water influence Feng Shui?  

The gentle sound of water can stimulate chi flow, bringing calmness and clarity. However, ensure the sound is soothing and not too loud or disruptive.

What’s the significance of air pumps in a Feng Shui aquarium?  

Air pumps keep the water oxygenated, which is essential for fish health. In Feng Shui, this continuous movement and bubbling sound can activate positive energy and stimulate chi.

Are there specific colors to avoid in the aquarium for good Feng Shui?  

While a variety of colors can enhance the vibrancy and energy of the space, it’s good to avoid excessive dark or murky colors, as they can absorb or block positive chi.

Can a Feng Shui aquarium help in personal areas like relationships or health?  

Yes, by positioning the aquarium in the southwest (for relationships) or east (for health) of the living space. This can activate positive energy specific to those life areas.

Is there a best day or time to set up the aquarium for optimal Feng Shui?  

While it’s not mandatory, choosing an auspicious day based on the Chinese lunar calendar can be beneficial. Starting on a day when positive energy is high can bring added benefits.

How does the maintenance of the aquarium influence Feng Shui?  

Regular maintenance ensures the flow of positive chi. Neglecting the aquarium can lead to negative energy from sick fish or dirty water, affecting the home’s overall energy.

Are there any Feng Shui taboos associated with keeping an aquarium?  

Avoid placing the aquarium under a staircase or in the bedroom. These placements can lead to draining or disruptive energies. Regularly monitor the fish; if many start dying, it may indicate a larger imbalance in your space that needs addressing.


The aquarium feng shui is very lucky for a home to bring health and prosperity. If you keep the aquarium fish in a suitable place such as the living room, near the door, or on the lawn, it will be best to keep you happy.

Read also: What are relaxing massages?; Best fish for feng shui; Feng shui bedroom colors: singles, married couples; Aquarium under the stairs

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