Aristotle politics

Aristotle politics: Summary, analysis, Democracy, happiness. Introduction. Aristotle says that politics aim to investigate based on the constitution collected. Identifying the unfavorable and favorable issues to the composition and protection makes an excellent Government. According to Aristotle, all groups aim for some good.

Aristotle Politics: Summary, Analysis, Democracy, Happiness.
Aristotle politics: Summary, analysis, Democracy, happiness.

Politics and ethics are two separate but related fields of study since ethics define an individual’s good, Although, politics inspects the good of the city-state, which is well-thought-out to be the best type of public. 

Aristotle’s chief goal was to not only consider what form the Government instead. It’s essential that what is easily attainable, which means that he required everybody to be able to recount his form of power. Aristotle is the Father of political science because he expanded the topics and thinking of ideal Government, revolution, captivity, nationality and conditions of Government, the theory of golden mean, the theory of constituents, etc. 

Aristotle was the well-known and supreme philosopher who ever lived and the first honest scientist in history. He made pioneering donations to all fields of philosophy and science. He recognized the numerous scientific disciplines and discovered their relations to each other. Aristotle preferred a kind of legitimate democracy, for what he called polity is a state in which rich and poor respect each other’s privileges and the best qualified. 

Aristotle’s philosophy stresses biology; as an alternative to mathematics like Plato. He supposed the world was made up of persons occurring in fixed natural kinds. Each individual has built-in patterns of development, which help it grow toward flattering a fully established individual of its kind.

Aristotle’s dispute for the highest authority of the city is foundational to politics, his treatise on political science. In the first chapters of the legislation, Aristotle claims that the city is a natural entire that arises gradually from natural but embryonic relations like the self-governing family.

They chose a small group of people because these were the best. Aristotle’s views were that aristocrats are men of prosperity and leisure who have developed their minds to have superior brains.  

Aristotle, one of the excessive followers of Plato, has been greeted as the Father of political science. His ideas on politics, viz., and the social nature of man, the rule of law, revolt, nationality, and constitutionalism, have continued to be a matter of substantial value to political experts.

The Greek theorist Aristotle made significant and permanent aids to nearly every feature of human information, from reason to biology to ethics and aesthetics.

For some twenty years, Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, an institution for philosophical, mathematical, scientific research and teacher; his philosophy eventually departed from Plato in essential respects. 

However, many more of Plato’s works continued the periods; Aristotle’s aids have arguably been more influential, chiefly in science and rational cognition. Though both philosophers’ works are measured less hypothetically valuable in current times, they continue to have great ancient value. The aim of Politics, Aristotle says, is to examine, on the basis of the structures composed, what makes for good Government and what makes for bad Government.


All relations are formed to attain the best. The Greek polis is the most overall association globally, comprising all other ties, such as families and job associations. The city-state’s essential aim is to attain the uppermost good.

Aristotle accomplishes that “man is a party-political animal”: we can only achieve the good life by living as inhabitants in a state. In debating the financial relations within a city-state, Aristotle protects the organization of private stuff, convicts extreme entrepreneurship, and disreputable protects the organization of bondage. 

Before giving his own opinions, Aristotle deliberates various theoretical and actual models current at his time. Specifically, he presents long attacks on Plato’s Republic and Laws, which most observers find indecisive and off the mark, and assesses other modern philosophers and the make-ups of Crete, Sparta, and Carthage.

Aristotle classifies citizenship with the land of public office and management of fairness and rights that the individuality of a city breaks in its constitution.

Roughly speaking, there are six types of constituents, three fair and three unfair. A structure is just when it benefits everyone in the city and inequitable when it benefits only those in power. When a small choice rules, a constitution is a nobility if the rulers are good and an oligarchy if the rulers are evil. When the crowds rule, a shape is an organization that rules well, and democracy if they head desperately. He suggests a principle of distributive justice, 

Aristotle goes from his theoretic conjectures to a practical examination of political organizations as they exist in the Greek world. He detects that the requirements of city-states are very significantly dependent on their prosperity, population, class dispersal, and so on.

He inspects the different diversities of states and structures and makes several general commendations. The highest tautness in any state is the joint bitterness between the rich and the poor. 

Therefore, a robust middle class retains a state of balance and protectors against dishonesty and domination. The three twigs of public administration are the deliberate, which makes the major political conclusions of the state; the policymaking, which runs the day-to-day commercial of the state; and the jurisdictive, which supervises the state’s legal affairs. 

However, giving everybody equal right to entry to public office; is never wise to eliminate any group from power. Constitutions are usually altered by a large, disgruntled group that rises against the people in power.

To preserve a shape, Aristotle mentions education, moderation, and comprehensiveness. The welfare of the wealthy minority and poor majority can be stable by permitting both groups an unevenly equal quantity of power. Every wealthy person would have more party-political ability in such a preparation.

Books 7th and 8th return to what the model state would be like. The remarkable life chiefly contains rational inspection, so even though the political act is commendable and essential, it is only a means to the end of fortifying the eventual happiness of reasonable inspection. An ideal city-state should be decided to exploit the pleasure of its residents. 

It should be situated by the water to allow for accessible sea business. Young citizens work for the military, middle-aged people govern, and older citizens take care of spiritual matters while non-citizens work for hands and take care of farming and skills. Education is essential to guarantee the city’s well-being, and Aristotle favors a public education package over private teaching. 

He claims that care is taken to breed the proper conduct in children. His suggested prospectus consists of reading and writing, physical education, drawing, and music. This education will help inhabitants make the most of work and play and the free time in which to pursue a good life.


Aristotle’s conversation of politics is firmly grounded in the world of the Greek city-state, or polis. He assumes that any state will contain the same essential elements as the Greek city-state. These male non-citizen employees perform the necessary physical jobs to keep the city running.

Nationality in the Greek world was more involved in accountability than in contemporary representative consensus. He asserts that we can only fully realize our rationality and humanity as citizens of a city-state. So he accomplishes that by fully realizing humans are, by need, political animals.


The aim line of this object is to deliver one possible aid for those wishing to meet this challenge. It consequently deals with a series of up-to-date headings under which selected passageways related to the study of equality in politics are repositioned.

That is, below each topic, the channels are registered not in the order in which they happen in the politics but are in its place decided in an order that attempts to suggest influences in thought between Aristotle’s various remarks on democracy.

The passages are rephrased rather than translated word for word, though the paraphrases of the smaller passages attempt to stay as close to Greek wording as is practical. Since the paraphrased channels are meant to serve as jumping-off points for deliberation of the full text of the politics, each passage has a solid link to the full text of the politics. A dictionary of Greek terms and a very discerning index of suggested pattern interpretations are also included.

Meanwhile, the approach accepted for this site reorganizes the order of material on equality from the politics; it essentially removes each passage from its context to propose contacts in thought that might not be easy to grasp when the text is read successively from the beginning to end. This movement of the passages proposes clarifying the connections in Aristotle’s thought on democracy in politics. 

The potential danger of democracy is that reading excerpts and paraphrased passages without considering their full context can be seriously misleading.

Therefore, it must be strongly emphasized that reading the politics methodically from beginning to end is the only way to try to fully understand complex and intertwined opinions. With this carefulness firmly in mind, users can consider the preparation of excerpted passageways as a guide to the additional study of Aristotle’s likenesses on antique Greek equality.

Happiness: Aristotle politics:

Aristotle defines the happy life proposed for man by nature as one that existed in contract with the feature. In his Government, he describes the role that politics and the political community must play in transporting about the righteous life in the community.

According to Aristotle, pleasure contains attaining, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the things health, prosperity, information, and friends, that lead to the excellence of human nature and the enhancement of human life.

Aristotle’s commencement of happy life is still a source of argument among scholars. It is not clear whether, in his works, Aristotle presented only one idea of a happy life or more. The rank of political life is unclear, and further queries can be elevated. Does Aristotle reflect it as a happy life? Does happiness constitute political life and the connection between governmental and theoretical life?

Read also: Aristotle psychology; Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle; Aristotle philosophy; Aristotle’s Rhetoric

External resource: Wikipedia

Angel Eulises Ortiz