Can babies eat Burrata cheese?

Introduction: Are you starting solids with your baby? and Can babies eat Burrata cheese?. This is such a joyful (and messy) milestone! While there is a lot of focus on fresh fruit and vegetable purees, you may wonder when it’s okay to introduce other foods like cheese. Not only this, but you can also know which cheese is safe and healthy to give to your little one.

Can babies eat Burrata cheese?
Can babies eat Burrata cheese?

All you need to know about serving your baby is that all cheese melts. Consult your doctor before serving cheese to your child. Some sources say it’s safe to do cheese before six months, while others say it’s best to wait 8 to 10 months.

Your doctor may have specific instructions based on your child’s unique development. Thus, you may experience intolerance or allergic reaction symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or itching. Regardless, waiting 3 to 5 days between introducing new food to your toddler is essential.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is safe to include cheese in your mealtime routine between 7 and 8 months of age.

Do you want to eat Burrata cheese with your baby but are worried about whether it is healthy? Let’s start;

Which cheese is good (and the best and healthiest options)

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that your baby’s first foods be single-ingredient purees or very soft meals. However, once your baby is ready for more structured foods around 9 to 12 months of age, you can start introducing cheese. The Burrata cheese you give your baby should be grated or cut into small cubes.

Before you give your child any finger foods, including cheese, you should ask yourself:

• Does it melt in your mouth?

• Is it easy to find?

• Can it be made into glue?

• Is it small enough?

The Burrata cheese you give your babe should be full-fat and pasteurized. Do not give your baby chunks of cheese, as it is a choking hazard. Some good options are:

• Burrata Cheese

• Cream cheese

• Mozzarella

• Cheddar

• Swiss

• Romano

• Ricotta

• Other products are distinctly labeled “made from pasteurized milk.”

Again, full-fat cheese and other dairy products are best. Babies under 2 need fat to help their bodies and brains develop.

Is Burrata cheese healthy for children?

Yes. Fresh Burrata cheese is high in calcium to support healthy bones and vitamin B12 for nerve and cell growth. Burrata cheese also contains vitamin A for the brain, eye, immune and skin health, and zinc for taste and smell.

When shopping for baby Burrata, look for fresh, pasteurized Burrata preserved in water or whey. They present a higher risk of diabetes and are also high in sodium, which is limited in children’s diets. Avoid low-moisture Burrata cheese products (often sold as blocks, bags of pre-cut cheese, or cheese sticks) and smoked Burrata, as their rubbery consistency can make them suffocating. 

Avoid cheese

Some cheeses may be harmful to your baby. These include:

• Satiny, mold-ripened cheese such as Camembert

• A blue-veined cheese such as Roquefort

• Goat milk cheese such as chevre.

Any cheese that is not pasteurized

Unpasteurized cheese can contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can attack food and cause food-borne illnesses, also known as food poisoning. Children under five are at higher risk of food poisoning because their immune systems are not fully developed. They may not fight infections as well as older children and adults. Young children also produce less stomach acid, which kills harmful bacteria.

Children under five who get food poisoning from E. coli bacteria are more likely to develop a severe complication called a hemolytic uremic syndrome. It can cause chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, and even death. Additionally, young children are more prone to dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea due to their small size.

Pasteurization is a heat treatment process that kills the bacteria that cause food poisoning. If you are still determining whether a food is pasteurized, do not give it to your child.

Burrata Cheese Recipes for Babies and Toddlers

The Burrata cheese itself is pretty tasty. But as your baby’s palate expands and his plate (slowly) starts to look like yours, that cheddar or Burrata will be offered as part of more and more nutritious meals. Just remember to introduce one food at a time, especially top allergens like eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, milk, and seafood.

Some delicious starting points:

Scrambled eggs with Burrata cheese. It is as simple as it sounds. Crowd pleasers like grated cheddar and Burrata cheese are always a hit.

English muffin Pizza. The top half of a whole wheat English muffin with tomato sauce and shredded mozzarella. Cut muffins into strips or quarters for easy handling.

The cheesy vegetable melts. Top broccoli or cauliflower florets that are boiled until tender and broiled until melted, topped with Swiss or cheddar.

Fruit and Burrata cheese plate. Serve a small mound of shredded cheese with thinly sliced strawberries, halved or sliced blueberries, or sliced apples.

Cheese pasta with peas. Toss warm whole wheat pasta with butter, grated ricotta cheese, and frozen-thawed peas. Mozzarella Meatballs. Tuck small mozzarella balls into the mini meatballs’ center before cooking.

Toasted Burrata Cheese Bites. Place a slice of whole grain bread in the toaster with cheese and toast until bubbly. Cut the toast in half to make half a sandwich. Cut the sandwich into strips or squares.

Is cheese a choking hazard for children?

Cheese chunks are the most significant choking hazard for four-year children and younger. Make sure you always prepare safe cheeses for your child’s age, such as soft or shredded varieties for early eaters and smaller cheeses for older babies and toddlers, and slice them into bite-sized cubes or strips.

Also, ensure your baby is always supervised, not upright, when eating, reclining, walking, sitting in a car seat, or playing. Yes, if so, never serve him food.

Conclusion: Can babies eat Burrata cheese?

Burrata cheese is a nutritious food to offer your baby. Start small, but find new ways to incorporate it into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time. Check the label and provide varieties that are pasteurized for safety.

And remember to cut the cheese into small strips or melt it to avoid a possible choking hazard. Last but not least, consult your pediatrician if you are unsure when you can give cheese to your baby or if you have any concerns about dairy intolerance or allergies.

Also read: Is Burrata cheese healthy?; Milk and uric acid; Burrata Cheese During Pregnancy.