Weddings in ancient Rome

Let’s talk about weddings in ancient Rome. Ancient Rome, one of the most influential civilizations in history, left a cultural legacy that still endures today. Among the many facets of Roman life, weddings occupied a central place and were considered events of great social importance. These marriage ceremonies not only marked the union between two individuals, but also reflected the traditions, values and beliefs rooted in Roman society.

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Divorce in Buddhism

Divorce in Buddhism.In today’s interconnected world, Buddhism, a philosophy and tradition that originated more than 2,500 years ago on the Indian subcontinent, has become one of the world’s leading spiritual traditions. Through its teachings, Buddhism offers a unique lens to observe and understand various aspects of life, including the sensitive subject of divorce.

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What does Buddhism say about women?

What does Buddhism say about women. The roles are usually very much framed by the liturgies, as far as the man and the woman are concerned. From simple responsibilities at home to singular activities as the case may be. Each religion gives a role to a person, and the case of women in Buddhism has been no exception to this.

However, when we think of Buddhism, we are very likely to think of a monk, but not a nun. Why is this? Next, we will know what has been the role of women in Buddhism.

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