Cheating definition: relationship, in marriage, urban dictionary. Cheating entails betraying the trust of your partner. An emotional relationship, a physical relationship, or an online dating relationship could all lead to this. Loyalty and fidelity are synonymous.
Definition. It is a statement of the meaning of a term, word, phrase, or other set of symbols; specify what an expression is about, using other terms or referents.
The Bible and tattoos
The Bible and tattoos. Tattoos are a practice from eighth-century China, used as a form of punishment that was intended to permanently mark criminals. Today, we know that it has expanded to multiple uses. However, what can we find in the Bible about tattoos?
Mandala Tattoo Meaning
Mandala Tattoo meaning: sleeve, men, ideas, women, appropriation, breast, face, foot, history, on arm, knee, Christian, family, love, moon.