Empedocles contributions

Empedocles contributions: to philosophy, to evolution, to psychology, to chemistry -atomic theory.

Empedocles contributions: to philosophy, to evolution, to psychology, to chemistry -atomic theory
Empedocles contributions


Empedocles, born about 492 BC and died about 432 BC, was a great Greek philosopher and religious teacher and poet. He is famous as he describes that all elements in the world are formed from four elements of air, fire, water and earth. 

Empedocles is the founder of medicines in the country of Italy. Empedocles was born in Acragas, and he belongs to a well-known family that supports him a lot.

Empedocles was a student of Pythagoreans, who taught him the importance of numbers; numbers are essential in our life. Through these numbers, we can understand the universe very well. But in reality, the Pythagoreans had died before his birth.

Empedocles proposed that the universe comprises four elements; he tried to simplify the complex world. Other scientists suggested that the universe is made up of just water elements. Still, Empedocles said that the universe comprises four parts of water, earth, fire and air under his observations. 

He also observed that all aspects in the universe are held by an extraordinary force he named love and pull power. After his death, Artioes conformed to his idea that the universe comprises four elements. Many people believed that these four elements form all things in the universe in his life. 

Through his concepts, many scientists found out new theories related to them. Empedocles gives the thoughts that our senses did not tell us about everything happening around us. He said that humans could not sense everything, maybe predicting the ultraviolet and gamma rays, but it was just his thinking. 

If we talk about his own life, Empedocles was a vegetarian, favored democracy, and did not like to eat meat. 

He thinks the human soul lives in animals, so his common belief is that killing animals is not good; he described himself as God as so many people followed him. It is common to say that he was good at the magic that can heal people; at his end-time, he jumped into the volcanoes; it seemed as if Empedocles wanted to prove that he was immortal or that nobody found his dead body. 

But many people said that it was just a saying of people, he moved to the Peloponnese peninsula and there he had died from an unknown disease.

Empedocles contributions to philosophy

Empedocles play a vital role in philosophy; he gave the three concepts, how life comes into being by the element, the cosmic cycle and the theory of living beings. 

He got famous first as a magician and truth-teller. Empedocles was a great philosopher who proposed two main forces: love when things come together, but when things separate, it is the pull force.

Different things formed cosmic; there is a love force on the planet of earth. Due to this force, everything comes close to each other. The more the difference was in the things, the more they began to come apart from each other, at last, the things separate from each other, due to these separations, sky and seas came into being.

On the other hand, the more love was in the universe, the more things became to combine, and as a result, animals and human life came into being. Empedocles described that separation of things went to human life as now between human disunion was increasing day by day. 

He said that this cycle would go on cycling with time. This philosopher spared his life observing plants, human life and animal life. He researches on this topic how life comes into being.

He described that we are not in our original state. We come into being by modifications in our life. All the things that are their present form were not in that form. He said that balance is necessary for our life; he also described that he comes from different phases of life.

Empedocles contributions to the evolution

In the extraordinary life of Empedocles, he proposed the theory of natural selection; he said himself as a God. He said that God selects better things, which can provide an advantage to you. 

You can see around you that a person can survive in his life who has all life facilities or who is dominant in his life. In the beginning, life was not as it is. There are many modifications in things and life. Due to evolutions, everything changes its original form. 

It is said that giraffes were small necks initially, but as trees had considerable height, they stretched their neck; in that way, eating leaves of significant size made their neck long.

Same, our ancestors were not as in our present form. In the beginning, our example was as a stress which branches and re branches, same we also distribute ourselves. So, Empedocles described the evolutions of life.

Empedocles contributions to psychology

In psychology, Empedocles has excellent contributions. He told the world that we could control our senses as they don’t tell us of invisible things around us. 

Empedocles also described that the speed of light is not infinite; it may have some distance which it traveled. Psychologically, he was a prominent magician who could heal people, but he presented himself as a god, and in the end, he jumped into the volcanoes to show the world that he was immortal.

Empedocles contributions to chemistry

Empedocles is a Greek philosopher who first proposed the concept of elements in their branch of chemistry. He states that all things around us are made up of four essential things in our lives.

These things are water, air, fire and earth. Through these things, elements have come into existence. In his career, he proposed this concept, and it is famous to him.

Empedocles contributions to atomic theory

First of all, atomic theory was proposed by Greek philosophers Empedocles. He told the whole world that the universe comprises four essential elements.

In the start, nobody believed in his concepts, but later on, after his life, other scientists found it true, then it was published as a theory in the history books. But later on, Democritus said that matter was made up of small tiny particles, but Empedocles first gave the concept from which elements are formed.

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External resources: Stanford.edu

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