Gods and deities of the Canaanites (Canaan)

What were the Gods and deities of the Canaanites (Canaan)? According to the Bible? Do we know anything about his pantheon or his worship rituals? I had somewhat forgotten my publications of ancient history but there are tastes and hobbies that are hardly forgotten. At least it is my case and, as I promised my readers that on Sundays and holidays I would air with non-marketing topics, well, they will understand how information flows for so long repressed.

Gods And Deities Of The Canaanites
Gods and deities of the Canaanites

The Canaanite gods were a complex and diverse pantheon of deities that originated in the ancient Near East and influenced many neighboring cultures. The Canaanites were polytheists, meaning they worshipped many gods and goddesses, each with their own attributes, functions, and myths.

El: Gods and deities of the Canaanites

He, the supreme god and father of the gods. It was associated with creation, wisdom, and fertility. He was often depicted as a bearded man wearing a horned crown and holding a scepter.

He was the supreme god of the Canaanite pantheon, the father of gods, and the creator of all things. His name means “god” in the Semitic language, and ethical and social functions were attributed to him. He was the god of nomads, who worshipped Him in sacred places such as mountains, trees or stones.

His chief wife was Atirat, also called Elat or Asherah, the mother goddess and lady of the sea. He had many children, including Baal, the god of storm and fertility, and Anat, the goddess of war and love.

He was a benevolent and merciful god, who cared about the fate of humans and protected them from their enemies. He was the king of the gods, but he also agreed to share his power with other gods, such as Baal, who became the lord of earth and sky after defeating the sea monster Yam. He was the oldest and most revered god of the Canaanites, and his cult spread throughout the ancient Middle East.


Baal, the god of the storm and son of Him. It was the patron saint of rain, thunder, lightning and agriculture. He was also a warrior god who fought against the forces of chaos and death. He was often depicted as a young man wearing a helmet and holding a spear or lightning bolt.

Baal was one of the main divinities of the ancient Canaanite and Phoenician religion. His name means “lord” and he was credited with power over rain, thunder and fertility. Baal faced several mythological enemies, such as Yam, the god of the sea, and Mot, the god of death and the underworld. Baal was depicted as a young warrior holding lightning bolt or as a young bull.

The worship of Baal spread throughout the ancient Middle East and infiltrated the people of Israel. The Israelites built altars and temples for Baal and offered him human and animal sacrifices. The worship of Baal also involved immoral sexual practices and rituals of prostitution. God condemned the idolatry of Israel and sent prophets like Elijah to confront the priests and prophets of Baal.

On one occasion, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a duel on Mount Carmel to prove who the true God was. While the prophets of Baal cried out in vain to their god to send fire from heaven, God answered Elijah’s prayer with a miraculous fire that consumed the altar. The people then recognized that Yahweh alone was God and killed the prophets of Baal.

Baal was one of the most influential and dangerous false deities in biblical history. His worship diverted many Israelites from worshipping the one true God and led them to commit grave sins against Him. God judged Israel severely for their apostasy and punished them with invasions, captivity, and banishment. However, God also showed His grace and mercy by preserving a faithful remnant who did not bow down to Baal.


She was the goddess of the sea, fertility, love and protection. She was often depicted as a woman holding a snake or lion cub, or as a tree or pole with branches.

Asherah was a Canaanite goddess who was worshipped as the mother of all gods and the consort of the supreme god El. Her name means “she who walks on the sea” and was associated with fertility, love and war.

Asherah had many sons and daughters, including Baal, the god of the storm and the sun. Asherah was often depicted with a tree or wooden pole symbolizing her connection to nature and life. The Israelites were repeatedly tempted to follow the cult of Asherah, which provoked the wrath of Yahweh, the god of Israel, who ordered the destruction of their images and altars. Asherah was a powerful and popular goddess in the ancient Middle East, but also a rival of Yahweh and a threat to his people.


The goddess Anat was one of the main divinities of the Canaanite religion, which was practiced in the ancient Mediterranean Levant from the Bronze Age to the first centuries of the Christian era. Anat was considered the sister and consort of the god Baal, the lord of storm and fertility.

As the goddess of love and beauty, Anat was invoked for success in romantic and sexual relationships. As a goddess of war, Anat was feared for her ferocity and her power over life and death. She was depicted wearing a crown of snakes, a symbol of her strength and invincibility, and carrying weapons such as bows, spears or axes.

Anat was worshipped in various regions and times, and her cult spread throughout Phoenicia, Syria, Cyprus, Palestine, and Egypt. In the latter country, Anat was introduced by the Hyksos, a Semitic people who ruled part of Egyptian territory during the Second Intermediate Period.

Anat was associated with some Egyptian goddesses such as Neith, Hathor or Isis, and received the title of “Queen of Heaven”. She was also venerated by some New Kingdom pharaohs, such as Ramesses II, who considered her his personal guardian in battles and dedicated temples and statues to her.

Anat has left numerous testimonies of his presence and influence on Canaanite culture and its neighbors. Some of the most important are the religious texts found in the city-state of Ugarit (present-day Ras Shamra, northern Syria), dating from the fourteenth century BC and narrating the myths and legends of Anat and other Canaanite gods.

Others are statues and idols depicting Anat with his characteristic attributes, such as the clay head found by a farmer in Gaza in 2016, believed to date back to 2500 BC and shows Anat wearing a serpent’s crown.


Astarte was a Canaanite and Phoenician goddess who originated from the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna or Ishtar. She was associated with love, sex, war, and hunting, and was sometimes considered the wife of the god Baal. Her cult spread throughout the Mediterranean and she was identified with the planet Venus. Astarte was worshipped in temples where sexual rituals and animal sacrifices were practiced.

The Israelites called her Ashtoreth or Astarot and rejected her as a false goddess who separated them from Yahweh. Astarte was depicted as a with exaggerated attributes, or with wings, horns, horses or lions. His symbol was the dove or the bee. Astarte influenced the creation of other ancient goddesses such as Aphrodite, Artemis, and Venus, and is still revered by some Neopagan and Wiccan movements today.


Mot was the son of He, the supreme god, and brother of Baal, the god of the storm. Mot was feared for his destructive power and insatiable appetite. He was represented as a gigantic being with a mouth that opened from the sky to the abyss. His abode was a dark cavern full of bones and worms.

Mot had a rivalry with Baal, who represented life and fertility. Every year, the two gods faced each other in a cosmic battle for world dominance. When Moth defeated Baal, the world entered a period of drought and barrenness. When Baal defeated Mot, the world was filled with rain and vegetation. This struggle symbolized the cycle of the seasons and the alternation between life and death.

Mot was invincible and immortal, for no one could escape his fate. However, according to some legends, Baal managed to trick Mot and rise from the dead with the help of his sister-consort Anat, the goddess of war. Other versions say that He intervened to restore balance between the two gods and ordered Mot to release Baal. In this way, the continuity of life on earth was ensured.


Yam is the name of a Canaanite god of the sea, representing chaos and storms. According to Canaanite mythology, Yam was the son of the supreme god El and brother of Baal, the god of storm and fertility. Yam aspired to be the god of everything, which caused a conflict with Baal, who defended his authority over the earth. Yam had the support of Him, who granted him a majestic palace, and that of Lotan, a sea serpent that served as his pet.

Baal, on the other hand, had the favor of Asherah, the mother goddess, and Kothar, the craftsman god, who made him two magical clubs. The battle between Yam and Baal was epic and violent, but in the end Baal managed to defeat Yam and break his power over the sea. Thus, Baal was consolidated as the main god of the Canaanites and Yam was relegated to a secondary role.


The description of Moloch narrated by the Bible has been related to the accounts of classical authors about child sacrifices performed in Carthage as part of the cult of Baal Hammon.

Moloch was considered the symbol of purifying fire, which in turn symbolized the soul. Its name means “king” and has been given several variants such as Moloch, Molech or Molock. He has sometimes been identified with the Greek god Cronus or the Roman Saturn, who also devoured their children. Its origin dates back to the region of Canaan, which existed in 3000 BC. C. between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and which was inhabited by polytheistic peoples such as the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Canaanites.

The cult of Moloch consisted of offering human sacrifices, especially newborn or young children, through the Molk rite. This ritual was performed outdoors, in high places or near temples dedicated to the god. Children were placed in the arms of the statue of Moloch, which was hollow and had a burning oven inside. The priests played drums and trumpets to drown out the cries of the victims, while the parents had to show indifference or joy for the offering.

It is believed that the sacrifices to Moloch were aimed at obtaining his favor and protection, as well as atone for the sins committed by the people. It has also been suggested that this was a form of population control or the elimination of illegitimate or sick children. However, the veracity and extent of these sacrifices have been questioned by some scholars, who argue that they are exaggerations or misrepresentations of biblical or classical authors, who sought to discredit rival or pagan cultures.

These are some of the major Canaanite gods, but there were many others with different names and roles in different regions and periods. The Canaanite religion was neither static nor uniform, but dynamic and diverse, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of its people.


Dagon was a fertility and grain god who was worshipped by the Canaanites and Philistines in the ancient Near East. Its name means “grain” or “seed” in the Semitic language, but it is also related to the term “little fish”, which gave rise to hybrid representations of man and fish. Dagon was considered the father of the gods, the creator of heaven and earth, and the supreme judge. He had temples in several cities of Canaan, such as Ugarit, where he was associated with Baal, the god of storms.

According to the Bible, the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant of the Israelites and placed it in the temple of Dagon in Ashdod, but the next day they found the statue of Dagon prostrate before the ark. While trying to lift it, the statue broke and the Philistines suffered plagues and diseases. This demonstrated the power of the God of Israel over the pagan god Dagon.

See also: Fornication in the Bible; The Bible and tattoos

External resource: Metmuseum

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Angel Eulises Ortiz