Adultery in Islam meaning
Adultery in Islam meaning. The definition of adultery is different in all religions and almost all religions including Islam consider it a great sin. Adultery in Islam means premarital or extramarital relationships and it's termed ''Zina'' which is an Arabic word. Allah has ordained some punishments and ways for such people. If unmarried females and unmarried males did Zina, they receive banishment for one year and one hundred lashes. If married females and married males commit adultery, Their punishment is one hundred lashes and stoned to death. extramarital sex and adultery are regarded as the infringement of matrimonial bonds and are considered the foremost crimes and Allah condemned them in the holy book of Muslims- the Quran. In Islam, Zina is regarded as the most heinous crime and its punishment is very harsh in Islam. There is a clear prohibition of adultery in Quranic verses by Allah. Quranic verses said, that don't gear to adultery because it's a shameful deed and evil that opens the road for other evils. That's why Allah prohibits adultery like shameful deeds whether it's open or secretive because it brings destruction. Islam prohibits them from shedding the blood of a Muslim except for three sins, committing fornication and adultery is one of them. Prophet Muhammad says, when adultery becomes common in any nation, Allah sends such strange diseases to that nation that their ancestors never heard about that. However, stoning as a punishment for adultery is not stated in Quran but rather prescribed in Hadith. Overall, the Islamic system is very legal about adultery and generally callous and ruthless about the punishment of adultery. https://pcweb.info/what-does-adultery-mean-in-islam/?lang=en