IT Ethics

IT ethics: meaning, topics, examples, code, importance, history. Computing and information technology play a central role in modern culture. While new technologies can be helpful tools, they can have major ethical implications.

IT ethics: meaning, topics, examples, code, importance, history
IT ethics: meaning, topics, examples, code, importance, history

When it comes to information technology tools, their effectiveness and usability are directly related to the way they handle sensitive situations. 

When a computer system is viewed as violating its values and interests, users may be hesitant to accept it. Using a computer tool may be more difficult in situations dominated by ethical conflict. There is a significant risk of costly but vital computer systems being abandoned due to scandals and disagreements.

A refusal to use otherwise vital computer tools can also result in the use of morally contentious systems in an inefficient manner, with people being injured and organizations harmed.


Informatics ethics concerns itself with how electronic technologies are used and developed and the ethical dilemmas that can arise. In addition to finding and addressing problems related to the moral foundations of human behavior, the institute also addresses the moral foundations of public policy.

IT ethics aims to develop tools that may be used in evaluating important ethical issues when systems are being developed or used. It is imperative that the proper ethical tools are used during all phases of the development, implementation, and use of computer systems.

As well as developing a system that avoids conflicts with ethical principles, ethical tools are needed to create an effective system that contributes significantly to user value satisfaction and stakeholder satisfaction.


  • A brief overview of ICT ethics.
  •  The process of critical thinking is introduced.
  • The ethics of professionalism.
  • Theories and analyses of ethical behavior.
  • Security.
  • Cybercrime and security.
  • Protection of intellectual property.
  • The regulation of Internet content and the right to freedom of expression.


Ensure that technology equipment is taken care of

Kids must learn to be cautious about downloading, clicking, and sharing things due to the prevalence of malware and viruses.

Investigate safe and appropriate sites for learning and research

Inaccuracies and outright lies can be found on many websites. Many teachers will give students a list of sites that have been approved. The students must learn how to examine a website’s content and assess whether or not it is credible.

The law of copyright, the Fair Use Act and Creative Commons are important

Copying and pasting are taught without students realizing the implications of copyright. Students can ensure they adhere to the rules by understanding the copyright laws and laws related to content use and sharing.

Protect against cyberbullying

Since the internet is anonymous and there is no face to see, it is easier to say things that would never be said in person. In order to educate children about cyberbullying, it is necessary not only to define the term but to stress the negative effects it can have. 


A code of ethics is a set of principles and standards that both individuals and organizations can use to guide their decision-making and distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. They provide a general framework for understanding the ethical standards of an organization or company. Nonetheless, it is possible to have a code of ethics that is unique to yourself. 

Laws and regulations cannot reach or are unable to enforce the gaps left by ethical norms. This code of ethics provides guidelines for professionals to follow in order to conduct business in an ethical manner. As well as representing a company’s or organization’s mission, this code of ethics can explain their ethical beliefs.

When dealing with certain challenges, how should staff handle them, and how should these standards be enforced? Each profession has its own ethical standards. These codes frequently represent or convey what the profession values most. A CPA’s code of ethics represents the ideals and principles of his or her profession, as do doctors’ codes of ethics.

A Code of Ethics for Information Technology has so many different perspectives because so many different independent groups are working on it.

The SANS IT Code of Ethics is based on the following guidelines:

  • Knowing myself and being honest about my capabilities is something I will strive for.
  • The IT profession will be considered a profession of integrity and professionalism as I conduct my business.
  • It is important to me to maintain confidentiality and privacy.

ICCP’s Code of Ethics can be summarized as follows:

  1. Skills and knowledge of a high standard.
  2. Establishing confidential relationships with clients.
  3. Maintaining public trust by following established practices and standards.
  4. Following an ethical code of conduct.


Information technology employees have access to a wide variety of sensitive data by nature. Since they serve in a variety of settings, including healthcare, business, and banking, the information they have access to and can change can pose a security risk.

As a result, many IT professionals have access to information that permits them to exert some control over an individual or a group, regardless of whether they intend to use that power. Despite their best intentions, many IT experts won’t consider how such authority could be misused.

Even though there are very real risks of privacy breaches in IT employment, a comprehensive ethics policy for the field does not currently exist. There is a possibility that IT professionals are not aware of ethical issues that arise in the course of their jobs.

Learning ethics alongside IT can help professionals better understand the limits they should not cross, preventing them from harming their companies, clients, or even themselves.

An ethical code of conduct within the IT industry can reduce harm and protect sensitive data. In an increasingly technology-centric world, this branch of ethics that deals with the intersection of technology and ethics – also known as to ethics – is essential for keeping IT professionals from inadvertently straying into ethically problematic areas.

With the proliferation of information systems, debates over ethics and intellectual property management have become more contentious because technology can pollute personal information. An ethical standard is a set of guidelines for a person to follow in order to run a successful organization. This is one of the toughest ethical dilemmas in the field of information technology. 

Information technology societies and organizations face significant issues related to data management and privacy. As far as privacy is concerned, there is also the issue of accidentally disclosing personal information, as well as ensuring the accuracy of information.


Over time, library and information science have developed an area or term called information ethics, but the subject has been adopted by a variety of other disciplines. We will sketch out a basic description of the threads that have become an integral part of information ethics below.

At present, it can be viewed as a convergence of media, journalism, library and information science, computer ethics (including cyberethics), business information management, and ethical issues relating to the internet. The process of demonstrating this evolution will include a number of bibliographic references, though, given the brevity of the article, the list provided is not intended to be exhaustive.

It is more than 20 years since the field of information ethics was formed by combining aspects of librarianship and computer ethics. The most well-known and seminal book on the subject by Robert Hauptman is Ethical Challenges in Librarianship, which is widely acknowledged as the definitive work in the field.

These issues are among those addressed in this project, among others: censorship, privacy, access to information, balance in collection development, copyright, fair use, and problem patrons.

It seems, however, that no courses are taught exclusively about ethical issues in library and information science. Since the introduction of ethics courses in the United States, they have often become less focused on ethical issues in librarianship.

Instead, they have become more focused on ethical issues in information science and information technology. Since information ethics was created, its scope has expanded to other disciplines, such as computer ethics, information systems ethics, management information systems ethics, and information policy.

“Information ethics” was coined by Robert Hauptman in his book, and the Journal of Information Ethics was founded by Rafael Capurro in 1988, author of the article “Information Ethos and Information ethics.”

There had been a number of discussions regarding information ethics prior to 1980, and others had been raised much earlier. Barbara J. Kostrewski and Charles Oppenheim wrote an article for the Journal of Information Science3 titled “Ethics in Information Science,” in which they discussed issues such as information confidentiality, bias in the information provided to clients or consumers, the quality of data provided by online vendors, the use of work facilities, and so on.

With time, the phrase information ethics has also been accepted by faculty in computer science colleges. There are many departments of computer science in the United States that emphasize theoretical aspects of computer science (such as the completeness or consistency of a programming language), while others emphasize applied computer science.

Many of these departments are referred to as “Computer and Information Science,” with information science reflecting the more applied aspects of the field. Some of the textbooks in this field include Richard Severson’s. Respect for intellectual property, respect for privacy, fair representation, and nonmaleficence (or “do no harm”) are the major principles of information ethics.

Read also: Advertising Ethics ; Ontology in Information Science

External resources: Routledge

Angel Eulises Ortiz