Port 443 Meaning

Port 443 meaning: used for, vs port 80, protocol, vulnerabilities, https, tcp or udp. When it comes to computers, there are many different sorts of ports.

Port 443 meaning: used for, vs port 80, protocol, vulnerabilities, https, tcp or udp
Port 443 meaning: used for, vs port 80, protocol, vulnerabilities, https, tcp or udp

Network ports on a computer or other device are not physical ports. They are, however, virtual. Network ports are numbered addresses that computers can use to direct the proper kind of network traffic to the right place, such as port 80, port 443, port 22, and port 465.

Whenever you visit a website, your computer communicates with the server that hosts it. Because these are the ones linked with internet traffic, it looks for a connection on either the HTTP or HTTPS port. The server will link to either port and send website data back to your computer, which will be received on the same port.

Not only do ports guarantee that network connections get to their intended destination, but they also ensure that traffic is not mixed up. Ports are also important in terms of security. On your computer or a server on the Internet, you can choose which ones are free and welcoming. You can reduce the number of ways an attacker can gain access to your computer by blocking access to unused ports with a firewall or other means.

Have you ever seen the lock icon in your browser’s address bar next to a URL? Perhaps you’ve noticed that a website’s URL begins with “HTTP rather than “http://”? You’ve linked to a website utilising the secure HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP in both cases.

Instead, then using the unprotected HTTP protocol, HTTPS establishes an encrypted connection with a web server. HTTP and HTTPS need distinct ports since they are two different protocols. HTTP is accessible via port 80, while HTTPS is accessible via port 443. When you visit a website that starts with “https://” or when the lock icon appears, you’re connected to a web server on port 443.

So, what exactly is port 443? Computers utilize port 443 as a virtual port to deflect network traffic. It is used by billions of people every day all across the world. Your system connects to a server that hosts the information and retrieves it for you whenever you conduct an online search. This link is made over a port – either HTTPS or HTTP. In web addresses, these prefixes would be displayed. 

Port 443 Importance

Port 443 is the default port for all encrypted HTTP traffic; therefore, it’s required for almost all contemporary web activity. To protect data as it travels between your computer and a web server, encryption is essential.

This encryption protects critical information displayed on pages (such as banking information) from being snooped on by anyone along the way. Everything transmitted between your machine and a website over standard HTTP over port 80 is visible in plain text to everyone.

Websites can also be accessed through HTTP and HTTPS using port 443. Most websites are set up to use HTTPS over port 443, however if that isn’t accessible for some reason, HTTPS on port 80 will be used instead. Previously, not every web browser supported HTTPS, making it inaccessible to everyone. Most major browsers are now marking websites that do not support HTTPS traffic as unsafe.

Used for

In most cases, you don’t have to do anything special to connect to port 443 when surfing the web. Although it may be convenient to manually type “https://” before any URL you visit, it is not always necessary.

For a Chrome add-on that ensures you’re always using HTTPS, look at the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s HTTPS Everywhere (EFF). Firefox, Chrome, and Opera versions are compatible with EFF.

Ensure that web servers provide access to their websites via port 443 by taking additional precautions. The web server apps you choose to use (such as Apache or Nginx) must be configured to serve your website on port 443.

An encryption certificate is required for the encryption to function. Various certificate authorities can provide them to you or you can get them from your web server. Another great choice for free SSL encryption certificates is LetsEncrypt.

VS port 80 

By default, HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) connections use port 80. It is a well-known and commonly utilised port all over the world. Tim Berners-Lee introduced port 80 in the HTTP 0.9 document in 1991. If no port is allocated for HTTP connections, Port 80 is utilised by default, according to the text. It connects you to the internet on a global scale (WWW).

With the help of this port, a device can access the internet’s web pages. It means that utilising this port, repository data is exchanged between the user’s browser and the server. 

However, Port 80 uses the TCP protocol to get an HTTP link. This port establishes an unencrypted connection between the web browser and the web servers, exposing sensitive user data to fraudsters and potentially resulting in severe information leakage.


Depending on the process, TCP Port 443 may communicate using a defined protocol. A protocol is a set of written instructions that describe how data is sent through a system. Consider it a computer-to-computer language that enables us to communicate more effectively.

For instance, the HTTP protocol specifies the format for communication between web browsers and websites. The IMAP protocol, which describes how IMAP email servers and clients communicate, or the SSL protocol, which provides the format for electronic communications, are relative terms.


Like every other technology, the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptographic protocols have weaknesses. The above are the most serious flaws in TLS/SSL protocols. All of them have an impact on older versions of the protocol (TLSv1.2 and older).

At the time of publishing, only one serious flaw in TLS 1.3 had been discovered. This vulnerability, like many of the others described here, is predicated on a forced downgrade attack.


With HTTPS (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure), the URL ends with an “S” that indicates that the connection is secure. Whenever sensitive information is communicated by the browser to the server, security is paramount.

By doing so, the browser transfers the information across a secure connection, so that an outsider would have a hard time viewing or misusing it. To enable the server to view the original text, algorithms encrypt it, transform it into ciphertext, and send it.

Defining the original text from this ciphertext is impossible without the decryption key. It is a jumble of words, special characters, and symbols that must be decrypted to reveal it.

The diagram below illustrates how the encryption process works on HTTPS connections using port 443. Additionally, the article explains how Asymmetric Encryption is used in SSL/TLS technology to protect communication.

Communication between the client and server takes place through a secure connection. There are two separate keys used in the encryption-decryption process: the public key and the private key. The public key can be accessed by anyone who wishes to communicate with the server. Only the web owner’s private key can decrypt the data encrypted by this protocol.

This means that whenever you visit an HTTPS site, your browser uses an SSL or TLS certificate to establish a connection. We call the entire process the SSL Handshake.


TCP known as Transmission Control Protocol is a connection-oriented protocol, which means that once a link is made, data can be sent in both ways. TCP contains built-in systems to check for faults and ensure that data is delivered in the order it was transmitted, making it ideal for transmitting data such as still photos, data files, and web pages.

While TCP is intuitively trustworthy, its reactions result in higher overhead, allowing you to make better use of your network’s available capacity.

UDP that is known as User Datagram Protocol is a connectionless and simplified protocol that does not require recovery services or error checking. There is no expense for initiating, establishing, or ending a connection with UDP; data is continuously sent to the recipient, whether they receive it or not.

Although UDP isn’t suitable for sending emails, browsing the web, or downloading files, it is widely used for real-time interactions such as multicast and multifunction network transfer.

Talking about their differences, UDP is connectionless whereas TCP is connection oriented. Among the two protocols TCP is way slower than UDP. Overall, UDP is a much faster, simpler, and more efficient protocol; yet, only TCP allows for the regeneration of lost data packets.

TCP assures the orderly delivery of data from the client to the server (and vice versa), but UDP is not designed for end-to-end interaction and does not verify the readiness of the receivers.

Wrapping Up: Port 443 Meaning

It makes no difference whether you are a site owner or a user. Any browsing done over an unencrypted connection is always done in plain text. As a result, intruders can easily view and compromise/misuse the data, posing a risk to your organization. Despite the fact that SSL encryption security over port 443 HTTPS has weaknesses and limits, it does make the internet a safer place.

SSL certificates are available from a variety of Certificate Authorities and SSL resellers at low prices. They are concerned about your needs, and they provide the finest SSL certificate for your website based on the domains and subdomains you need to secure.

Read also: Five Generations of Computer; What is Information Technology?; IT Ethics

External resources: lifewire