What is ethics

What is ethics: Mean, in business, in Philosophy, of care, in technology, and why is essential, in journalism, in research. Introduction. Ethics, a branch of philosophy, often called moral philosophy, involves defending, systematizing concepts of wrong and right behaviors.

What Is Ethics: Mean, In Business, In Philosophy, Of Care, In Technology, And Why Is Essential, In Journalism, In Research
What is ethics: Mean, in business, in Philosophy, of care, in technology, and why is essential, in journalism, in research

This field works with aesthetics and concerns matters of value. Works with a philosophy called axiology. Mainly wrong and right are ethical problems and deal with morality and rule of behavior. It teaches how people should behave in certain situations.

Mean of ethics

Ethics is the moral rules that conduct an activity and govern a person’s behavior. This branch of knowledge is based on moral principles. Ethics relates to ethical theories and accepts standards for the conduction of ethical conduct. It involves disapproval of righteous judgments and taking moral approval.

Ethics in business

Ethics in business concerns applying good business policies and practices on controversial subjects. Many issues in business ethics include bribery, discrimination, fiduciary responsibilities, corporate governance, social responsibility, and insider trading.

If an organization acts ethically, it improves business outcomes and employees realize positive benefits. Applying ethical behaviors increases job satisfaction, trust, employee performance, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors. In the business, the law is applicable, but ethical and legal aren’t necessarily the same. Business ethics consists of acceptable behaviors with the law beyond government control.

The industries establish business ethics to win trust among the employees and improve reliance on confidence between investors and consumers. According to the business quality, the business ethics programs change and are common in different corporations. According to the 2018 GBES, one in four employees thinks that the company is working on a well-implemented ethics program.

Ethics in Philosophy

In philosophy, ethics deals with good and evil in human conduct. It asks what is a good life, why a human should do practical tasks,  objective or subjective terms of morality, reasons for being moral, the relationship of self-interest and character, the origin of ethics and the ultimate justification for morality. It tells that it is the moral judgment of people to emphasize happiness, duty and pleasures.

Traditionally, ethics in philosophy advise living a happy and good life. Now, contemporary philosophers moved the ethical philosophy to theoretical and abstract questions. The ethical philosophy is concerned with what is good for society and individuals; that’s why it is called moral philosophy. Ethics is taken from the Greek. The word ethos means habit, custom and characteristics.

The ethical philosophy has its general approaches: virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and practical ethics. The moral values in philosophy such as responsibility, honesty, and trustworthiness promote us to do the right things, eliminate rude behaviors and deal with everyday life more effectively. Best rational interests should deal with a proper sense of right and wrong without sacrificing others.

Ethics of care

The normative ethical theory that works with moral action center on relationships and benevolence as a virtue is called the ethics of care. It is a cluster of normative ethical theories that were created second half of the twentieth century by feminists. Care ethics is a famous feminist philosophical perspective that works on context-bound and relation approach toward decision making and morals.

This term refers to ideas that deal with the nature of normative ethical theory and morality. It is essential because workers can recognize healthcare dilemmas, make easy decisions, and make sound judgments to keep within laws and based on their values.

Ethics in technology

Ethics in technology is the application of ethical approaches and thinking to get practical concerns of technology. Technology ethics is growing and getting popular day by day because the latest technologies give businesses more power to work and help us make more choices that were not possible before.

Ethics in technology refers to and puts morals or ethics to check the use of technology. The ethical principle in technology includes privacy, freedom, accountability, digital rights, online behavior and data protection. The ethics in technology does not matter to control things instead, and it can manage the use of technology well. It requires continuous monitoring to track the technological changes, latest innovations and ensure fair practices.

In the concerns of technology, Technology ethics applies practical worries of technology. In the past, our technology decisions were ruled by our weakness. But, technological power enables us to be voluntarily constrained with our judgment.

Ethical Practices in Technology

Ethics ensures that an honest relationship exists between technology and users.

Care for Employees and Customers

If any business is engaged with ethical technology, it has a solid moral sense for customer protection and employee rights. Though the data is technology worth a lot, the customers and employees who work in technology empower your business and are your greatest asset. Ethical technology ensures Taking care of employees and customers and always observing responsible protections for them.

Moral Use of Resources

The resources contain excellent value for businesses. The companies can refine product offerings and target their marketing strategies with data. But, ethical considerations bring privacy through many moral concerns. The compliance procedures and data protection steps help to ensure data is misused and isn’t leaked.

Responsible use of Disruptive Tech

Digital growth is the best business reality. Technology is not a path to outpace the competition, and it is a great way to progress. Embracing new technologies face an ethical challenge. The ethics in the business ensure your form is suitable to practicing honest tech and adopt protections that ensure proper use of technology.

Best Culture of Responsibility

The ultimate target of ethics in technology is creating a responsibility culture within technology. If the industries and information technology workforce ensures that they are safe, responsible, and use decent technology, they can use fair data.

Why is ethics important?

Ethics is not only the use of drafted and redrafted books, and ethical practices make more sense in business and everyday life. Approximately all companies want to be beneficial, clean and fair for society. That’s why organizations need ethics or the rule of law to bind them in reasonable practices and competition. It will provide more benefits to organizations, society and consumers.

Ethics provides benefits to the employee, the individual, the consumer, and the human social unit. Ethics is essential in the following ways.

Satisfying Human Needs

The basic human need is to be ethical, fair and honest. It is the need of every employee to do reasonable practices and ethical work for its organizations.

Creating Credibility

If any organization believes in providing more moral values to employees who have no information about work and business, that organization enjoys more respect and success. Infosys is an organization for social responsibility initiatives and good corporate governance, and it holds all employees, even those who don’t know about business.

Uniting Leadership

If any organization runs on values, it is revered by its employees. These ethical values bring decision-makers and employees on the same platforms. It creates aligning behaviors within the organization for the achievement of common goals.

Long Term Gains

If any organization gives importance to values and ethics, they profit for the long term, though they get a bit to lose money. The largest business conglomerate in India, Tata group made less progress in the 1990s. Its car was predicted to fail, but now it’s running very well worldwide.

Improves Decision Making

Suppose you want to check the density of a man, total the decisions making capacity in the course of his life. This thing is the same in an organization because decisions drive values. If any organization does not value competition, it cannot meet the requirements of the competition and fails to have a monopoly in the market.

Securing the Society

Mainly, the laws of ethics safeguard society. As a mute spectator, it was of ethics works that cannot save the environment and society. For example, new technologies coming up today are threats and replace the old technologies.

Ethics in journalism

Journalism ethics is based on objectivity, Truth, and accuracy. 

Journalists should work with honesty and keep them away from groups, regions and countries because their influence on writing influences their journalistic writing.

The license of reporters is reputation, and their certificate is a public trust. It is society’s responsibility to keep them honest and must gain them. Ethics provides them with proper guidelines to do something right. If they break the rule of ethics, there is no set of alarms for them in Journalist Headquarters.

Ethics in research provides guidelines and some ethical rules for the conduct of research. It monitors and educates scientists to do research ethically. It teaches honest report data procedures and mis-represent data. Ethics teaches to keep your promises sincere and striving for consistency of action. During the study, sift through everything and Avoid careless errors.

Scientists should never think that their work is perfect. Rather keep learning by the criticism and new ideas of others and always share their data, tools and results with fellows. They also Respect Intellectual property, property and honor patients.

Never use unpublished data and results without permission. It is immoral to plagiarize scientific data and give credit if credit is necessary anywhere.

Read also: What is ethics

Ethics in Marketing; IT Ethics; Advertising Ethics

External resources: SCU

Angel Eulises Ortiz