What is medicine
What is medicine, Medicine is a field of healing and health where various specialists, nurses, and doctors work. This field covers the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research of diseases and medicines with various aspects of health. The aim of medicine is the maintenance and promotion of well-being and health. Modern medicine is also called allopathic medicine. Medicine involves the use of surgery and drugs, supported by lifestyle and counseling. The complementary and alternative types of medicine contain homeopathy, herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, art therapy, and many more. Fields of medicine are Clinical practice, Biomedical Research, Medications, Surgery, and Medical devices. Overall, medical fields include substances used in treating illness, disease, remedy, and medicament. It is the science and art of preventing and restoring health and physical conditions by means of surgical operations or appliances, drugs, and manipulations. It is often divided into surgery, medicine, and manipulations. Besides this, Clinical research, Psychotherapy, and Physical and occupational therapy are also fields of medicine. Major Branches of medicine include Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biomechanics, Biostatistics, Biophysics, Cytology, Embryology, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Histology, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Pathology, Pharmacology, Radiology, and Toxicology. Nowadays, the most common medical field is nuclear medicine. Radiation is used in radiology and nuclear medicine. Radioactive materials called radiopharmaceuticals and radioisotopes are introduced into the body In nuclear medicine. X-rays enter the human body from outside in radiology. Nowadays, in modern hospitals, about one-third of all procedures used involves radioactivity and radiation. Radioactivity is safe, effective, painless, and never needs anesthesia. Nuclear medicine can easily diagnose unlimited medical conditions by inhaling and swallowing a radiopharmaceutical. https://pcweb.info/medicine-definition-meaning/?lang=en