Antonie van leeuwenhoek contributions

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek contributions:To biology, to medicine, to ecology.The Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) used a microscope he made himself to uncover microorganisms, one of biology’s most significant discoveries. 

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Contributions:to Biology, To Medicine, To Ecology
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek contributions: To biology, to medicine, to ecology

The first person to study living creatures with a microscope was Robert Hooke. The 1665 book Micrographia was a description of plant cells. Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch physician, discovered microbes in 1675. Before this discovery, it was unclear why grapes could become wine, milk could become cheese, and food could decay.

Van Leeuwenhoek didn’t link these processes with microbes, but by using a microscope he discovered some forms of life that were not apparent to the naked eye. With Van Leeuwenhoek’s discovery and subsequent studies by Spallanzani and Pasteur, the concept that life originated spontaneously from non-living substances was quashed.

According to Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799), boiling broth sterilizes it and kills all microbes in it. The discovery was made that a broth that had been exposed to air only allowed new germs to settle in.

In order to build on Spallanzani’s work, Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) exposed cooked broths to the air in vessels fitted with filters to prevent particles from entering the growth medium.

Also, he used vessels that did not have any filters, with the air entering via curved tubes that effectively kept dust particles from getting into the soup. At the start of his experiment, Pasteur boiled the broths in order to ensure no microbes survived.

A leading microbiologist, he made considerable contributions to the field. In addition to the design and development of microscopical lenses, he made discoveries about bacteria, spermatozoa, lymphatic capillaries, and the shape and size of red blood cells. Due to his contributions to microbiology, he earned the title “the Father of Microbiology“.

To biology

At the time, such simple microscopes were preferred over compound microscopes, which exacerbated chromatic aberration problems. Leeuwenhoek created high-quality lenses with a relatively short focal length for his microscopes.

Even though Leeuwenhoek’s investigations lacked the traditional structure of scientific inquiry, he was still able to discover important ideas by applying keen observation. For the first time, he likely encountered protozoa in 1674, and bacteria a few years later.

In addition to rainwater, pond and well water, and human mouths and intestines, he was able to isolate those “extremely small animalcules.” In addition, he measured their dimensions.

The first-time spermatozoa were characterized in 1677 was by Stephen Hamm, who is likely a co-discoverer. The study of the optic lens, striations of the muscle, mouthparts of the insect, and plant fine structure led him to discover parthenogenesis in aphids.

The yeast cells in yeasts are made up of tiny spherical particles, discovered by him in 1680. He provided the first exact description of red blood cells following Malpighi’s demonstration of blood capillaries in 1660.

To medicine 

It was Anton van Leeuwenhoek (October 24, 1632–August 30, 1723) who invented the first workable microscope and employed it to see and identify bacteria, among other discoveries.

In fact, van Leeuwenhoek’s study disproved the idea of spontaneous genesis, which posited that living things can arise on their own from nonliving materials. During his research, he developed both bacteriology and protozoology.

The invention of the world’s first practical microscope as a result of Leeuwenhoek’s work on small lenses. Rather than having two lenses, they were more like highly magnifying glasses with only one lens. They did not resemble today’s microscopes at all.

Leeuwenhoek’s microscope was difficult to operate, so other scientists were not as enthusiastic about it. Their size is about 2 inches, and they are usually viewed by holding an eye close to the tiny lens while observing a sample suspended from a pin.

To ecology

The microscopes he used were what he used to make his famous microbiological discoveries. During Leeuwenhoek’s lifetime, he observed and characterized bacteria (1674), yeast plants, teeming life inside a drop of water (algae), and the circulation of blood in capillaries.

During his time, the word “bacteria” did not exist, so he called these tiny organisms’ “animalcules”. His lenses allowed him to conduct ground-breaking research on a wide range of living and non-living things throughout his long life, publishing his findings in over 100 letters to the Royal Society of England and the French Academy.

Including descriptions of a louse, a fungus, and a bee mouthpart, Leeuwenhoek’s first paper was presented to the Royal Society in 1673. Cells and crystals of plants, as well as human cells such as blood, muscle, skin, teeth, and hair, were studied. To study the germs in his mouth, Leeuwenhoek removed and studied the plaque between his teeth, which died after he drank coffee.

He was the first person to characterize sperm and theorize conception occurs when a sperm joins with an ovum, however, he believed the ovum merely provides nourishment for the sperm.

At the time, there were different viewpoints about how infants develop, so Leeuwenhoek’s experiments with various species of sperm and ovum caused a stir among scientists. Scientists would have to agree on the procedure after approximately 200 years.


Some of Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries were verifiable with other scientists’ microscopes and equipment at the time, but others could not since Leeuwenhoek’s lenses were more advanced than other scientists. In order to see his work, some people had to come to see him in person.

In the present day, only 11 of Leeuwenhoek’s 500 microscopes remain in use. He crafted his instruments from gold and silver, and after his death in 1723, his family sold the majority of them.

His microscopes were difficult for others to master, so they were avoided by other scientists. While a few refinements were made to the instrument in the 1730s, the major advances that led to the modern compound microscope did not occur until the mid-19th century.

Death: Antonie van leeuwenhoek

An additional contribution to science was made by Van Leeuwenhoek. His death was caused by the illness he endured during his final year on earth. It was Van Leeuwenhoek who experienced uncontrollable diaphragmatic contractions, which was later dubbed the Van Leeuwenhoek illness.

This condition, also called diaphragmatic flutter, caused him to die at Delft on August 30, 1723. The Old Church in Delft is where he is buried.

Read also: Importance of Microbiology in Medicine; Importance of Microbiology in Nursing; Importance of Microbiology in Health

External resources: Wikipedia

Angel Eulises Ortiz