Buddhism and marriage. Many liturgies, such as Catholicism, Christianity, Yoruba and others, have different ceremonies for the marriage union of their practitioners, which contemplate their own requirements and norms for their correct exercise. However, the case of Buddhism shows certain differences about marriage.
Let’s know what we can find in Buddhism about marriage, but emphasizing same-sex marriage, a resource that could be considered blasphemy in other liturgies. Is it the same case for Buddhism, how are egalitarian relations viewed in this religion? Next, An analysis of Buddhism and marriage.
First of all, it should be known that Buddhism does not contemplate or conceive marriage unions among its practitioners. However, this does not mean that Buddhists cannot marry or enjoy a life as a couple. All this comes from its concepts and principles, which we must know to understand the perspective on marriage.
It happens that one of the principles of Buddhism lies in the detachment and impermanence of things , an approach that can clash with the main idea of marriage, because, as we will understand, it supposes the perennial union of two people until their death.
Despite this, Buddhism appeals to individual decisions as well as the constant search for self-being.
There is, therefore, no penalty for those who establish relationships as long as they respect the principles of Mahayana, which warn of the importance of detachment from the material and that relationships can create illusory sensations of immortality, among other aspects.
Egalitarian Distinctive: Buddhism and Marriage
The view of Buddhism before equal marriage is not very distant from what we could call “traditional” marriage. This, rescuing the optics of Buddhism in the West specifically, where tolerance and understanding of the self is emphasized in its own search. A perspective that has ended up established in policies of freedom and social equality.
Buddhism starts, in this way, from roots based on freedom of thought, understanding diversity as one more feature of existence itself, and, therefore, a phenomenon that must harmonize in the same practice of Buddhism if it were wanted.
Marriage equality is not conceived as an erratic practice in Buddhism, as it could be in other of its branches, as it is in Asian Buddhism. However, we might find that the real focuses of this liturgy, as far as marriage is concerned, would be oriented to the way relationships are conceived.
Buddhism may appeal to marriage, for its real concern is the perennial notion of love and relationships. This is, for Buddhism, drawing an erratic line, where, as already expressed, impermanence is conceived as one of the most important features of reality.
We could define Western Buddhism as a liturgy that welcomes and coexists peacefully with all people regardless of their sexual orientation. Sexual behavior is a decision that must be respected, since, for Buddhism, it is part of its individual freedom, so no central authority has the right to reproach any practitioner for his orientation.
The aspects that must be taken into consideration in homosexual marriage – as in heterosexual marriage – underlie respect for one’s own emotions and those of the couple, always ensuring the search for joint happiness. Marriage is a decision that two people undertake to find a path together, but not eternal.
This is, at least, the approach that Buddhism proposes towards marriage. All people should, as a principle, be able to manage their emotions in order to properly reciprocate their relationships, so that respect and authentic love can always be the first pillar of every “marriage” relationship in Buddhism.
The Path to Enlightenment
As is the case with many liturgies today, the diversity of opinions and derivations can cause confusion regarding certain conceptions. Buddhism does not escape this situation, because although we have rescued the gaze of Western Buddhism, we will find that Eastern Buddhism does not reason in the same way.
However, it is still true that Buddhism is considered one of the liturgies with the lowest record of homophobic behavior. This can be explained through one of its most important canons, such as tolerance and respect for the individual exploration that each individual must contemplate in their personal development.
This could, perhaps, clash with the idea that the path to enlightenment is, for Buddhism, a process that can be disturbed by intrinsic elements such as desire and sexuality itself. Therefore, while your consent is not equivalent to evading enlightenment, it could hinder your pursuit to some extent.
It’s not marriage, it’s the form of marriage
We can observe that Buddhism has not forged a space to couple concepts such as marriage and other statutes on the union of its practitioners. This liturgy does not guide the individual to loving union, but rather to the path of enlightenment, where he must converge with multiple instances of his being to achieve it.
This process can coexist to a point with the idea of its practitioners establishing loving relationships. However, this cannot violate their principles as Buddhists, as this would isolate them from the true path to enlightenment.
This is how we might conclude that, when it comes to marriage in Buddhism, The most important thing is the way in which the spouses relate to each other and repay their own happiness. Maintain your path to enlightenment, understanding that the only eternal thing is change, and that the universe can never be the same for even two seconds.
This is, for Buddhism, the correct exercise of marriage, regardless of whether it is equal or traditional marriage.
Read also: Adultery in Buddhism; There is no intimacy in the husband’s marriage; What does the Bible say about marriage? Buddhist wedding; Buddhist Christmas; Karma in Hinduism; Divorce in Buddhism; Are Buddhists Celibate?
References: Wikipedia