Is it illegal to film someone without their consent

Is it illegal to film someone without their consent? Do you think it’s illegal to film someone without their consent? If the person is visible and audible, and they do not have reasonable expectations of privacy, it is not illegal to film them without their consent in a public place.

Is it illegal to film someone without their consent?
Is it illegal to film someone without their consent?

While recording someone without their knowledge is legal in a public setting, it is illegal in a private setting, such as a bathroom or changing area.

It is certain that someone will record you when you are out in public without your consent. Almost every office building, mall, and the stadium has a security camera. As you walk along the sidewalks, you see tourists taking panoramic videos. You might be captured while filming a birthday party in the park by a news crew, a vlogger, or a parent.

Read on to learn why it is illegal to film someone without their consent in different countries.

United States

Is it illegal to film someone without their consent in the United States?
Is it illegal to film someone without their consent in the United States?

In the United States, filming in public is legal. Permission does not need to be sought. 

It is legal to film individuals as well as the police. Several jurisdictions have passed laws prohibiting the filming of police. There are some police who will arrest you if you film them. Despite this, you may find yourself dealing with the difficulties of being arrested, even if the police or laws are right.

While you are filming the police, you may not interfere with them. It is forbidden to interfere with people when you are filming them. In some instances, filming people can violate a law, for example, if you are stalking someone and the filming is a part of it, the stalking is the crime, and the filming may be proof of it. If you disturb the peace in any way.

In certain semi-public areas, filming is prohibited. For example, the bathroom, locker room, etc. Also, you cannot film in a privately owned business if you are prohibited from doing so. You are in the theater and want to film the play, but you are forbidden from doing so.

The recording of audio is a bit different from that of video. Laws haven’t caught up with technology because they haven’t caught up with technology yet. Any state in the US prohibits audio recording someone who has an expectation of privacy unless you are part of the conversation. It is illegal in some states to record anyone who has an expectation of privacy and who does not consent to the recording.

In other words, even if someone is in public, if he has an expectation of privacy, you cannot audio record him, unless you have consent from him or are participating in the conversation.


Is it illegal to film someone without their consent in Canada?
Is it illegal to film someone without their consent in Canada?

Unless one of the participants consents to the recording, Section 184 of the Criminal Code states that private conversations cannot be recorded.

According to section 148 of the criminal code, Canada follows the one-party consent rule. Thus, if one of the participants consents, recording private conversations in Canada is legal.

People in Canada are only allowed to record anything you say in public if you have no “reasonable expectation of privacy.” You can sue someone for recording a private conversation that you did not consent to.

Videos without sound, such as surveillance footage, are not subject to audio recording laws. Video surveillance footage will only be criminally charged if it is used to intercept (eavesdrop) on private communications.

Unless you are on private property, you will need permission from the owner if you are in an area with a public view. For example, trespassing charges can be issued when improperly filming in malls.

United Kingdom

As per the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA), recording telephone conversations without consent is legal in the UK, if the recording is made for personal use.

If such recordings are shared with third parties without the consent of the participants of the conversation, problems can arise. Recorded conversations cannot be sold to third parties or made public without the consent of the participants.

There are quite a few differences between the laws in the U.S. and the U.K. This is especially true when it comes to recording or filming someone without their consent. In general, it is illegal and unacceptable to record someone without their consent in the U.S.

A reasonable expectation of privacy is especially important if they are on private property. However, in the United Kingdom, consent laws differ. 

A person who isn’t exercising their right to privacy is being taken advantage of. This is especially true on private property. There is a possibility of getting into hot water and even falling into gray areas. Technically, the law has been broken.

There are several factors that determine consent technically. There are several factors to consider when creating a video, such as the purpose, location, and other circumstances that make your video unique.

People can generally be filmed without their permission if you are filming in public and not for criminal or terrorist purposes.

Even though you may be able to legally film in the U.K. if the subject is in a public place, you should always ask permission before filming.

It is especially important if you want to avoid any future civil disputes. For a professional use of your footage without risk of being forced to remove it later.

Unless it is for nefarious purposes, taking photographs or recording videos in public places is not illegal. It is important to remember that many seemingly public places such as malls are privately owned; in such a case, you must follow the rules they have established.

Privacy laws prohibit taking photos or videos of someone where there is an expectation of privacy. People’s homes would be examples of this.

When posting a video of someone without their permission in the United Kingdom, it is important to consider how the video was filmed. The video can be posted online or on social media if it was filmed in a public place where there is no expectation of privacy.  Posting a secretly filmed video online where there is an expectation of privacy would be illegal.


In Scotland, it is a crime if someone shares revealing or intimate pictures or videos of you or threatens to do so.

When an adult or child films or photographs another adult or child outside in the public domain it is a criminal offense in Scotland. 


A distinction is made in legislation between two types of videos and photography. They both involve the use and disclosure of personal information. If you take photos for domestic purposes, you cannot be fined or punished for collecting personal information.

You won’t violate Data Protection Provisions if you take a family photo or a selfie with a friend. In other words, the person knows you take pictures and is likely to accept your involvement.

In any case, if you record your neighbors’ windows at night, you are liable for criminal prosecution. Harassment can be charged against you.

Consent is the new element that steps in here. A person can sue you if they don’t give their consent to you videotaping them. Personal privacy is violated, according to the law.

Video recording people require their consent, which is why you need their consent in Singapore.

According to the Singapore Law on Video Recording, anyone can request footage. A museum visitor may request the footage from the day he/she visited the museum if the museum is using surveillance. Public places that record people for security reasons also do the same.

It is the organization’s responsibility to provide the requested footage to the requester in accordance with the law. This story does have an interesting aspect, however. It is fully within the organization’s rights to charge a fee for offering the footage. 

It is possible that the requester will have to pay for the effort of finding and preparing the footage.

It is especially common for businesses to charge fees for footage that was taken many years ago.

Final Verdict: Is it illegal to film someone without their consent?

When it comes to filming someone, can you do so without their consent? It depends on your reasons, your intention, and the state where you live. Recording without permission will have negative consequences. Understand your rights and the consequences of recording without permission.

It is not necessarily the person’s consent to be recorded if they are in a public place. Their privacy rights may be violated. It is always wise to apply morality and common sense when in doubt. However, it is always advisable to get consent to avoid legal repercussions.

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External resource: Quora