What is electromagnetic interference?

Introduction: What is electromagnetic interference?. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is undesirable racket or interference in an electrical way or circuit compelled by an external source. This is also known as radio frequency interference.

EMI can cause electronics to malfunction, malfunction, or stop working altogether. EMI can be from natural or manufactured sources. High-quality electronics, electrical shielding, and advanced error correction can reduce the effects of EMI.

A typical example of EMI is when a cell phone is placed near powered audio equipment or speakers, and this causes a series of noises or beeps to be heard. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is a prevalent phenomenon in today’s technologically advanced world.

This complex interaction of electromagnetic fields has far-reaching implications across various industries, from telecommunications to medical devices and even everyday electronic devices. 

Electromagnetic interference occurs when the electromagnetic fields generated by one electronic or electrical device interfere with the proper operation of another device. This interference can disrupt signal transmission, compromise device functionality, and lead to various issues that affect performance, safety, and reliability.

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