Tourism industry meaning: Definition, benefits, Importance, features.The tourism industry or travel industry is extending its roots enormously throughout the world.

This industry benefits a country in several ways. It contributes to a country’s economic development to a greater extent. These industries revolve around the movement of people to destinations from their usual environment.
But what is the actual meaning of the tourism industry, and what are its core benefits?
In this article, we will discuss the meaning of the tourism industry and its essential aspects.
Definition of the tourism industry:
A tourism industry involves all the activities taking place during the movement of people during their tours. These tours do not only cover leisure trips; but also business trips and additional social reasons trips.
A tourism industry includes all the businesses and organisations that offer services to tourists and visitors. This industry covers several businesses such as hotels, restaurants, accommodations, food and beverage, transportation, and travel agencies.
From purchasing a flight ticket to a hotel stay, exploring the destination, and buying food, all the activities get involved in the tourism industry. A tourism industry covers varied services that deal with the customer’s demands.
In a nutshell, a tourism industry includes all the activities and services that facilitate a person’s travelling to another location from their usual environment.
A tourist or visitor is a person who travels to another destination. A trip of more than one consecutive year does not come under tourism. A tourist gets driven to different destinations; for inner peace, relaxation and enjoyment. Besides, a curiosity to explore different cultures, enhancement of knowledge, business purpose, health treatment, and finding oneself also motivate tourists to travel.
However, a person travelling to a different location from their ordinary environment is called a tourist.
Manyfold Benefits of Tourism industry:

The tourism industry benefits a host country in varied ways, whether it is the country’s economy, local communities, or tourists themselves. Here are some of the benefits of the tourism industry:
- Boost economic growth: tourism industry is the largest growing industry. These help to boost countries’ economies by generating tremendous revenue. Many tourists come and spend lavishly during their stay in the country. It is a passive source of wealth for accumulating heavy Taxes. The tourism industry contributes to the overall GDP of the country.
There are two types of taxes generated from the tourism industry: indirect and direct Taxes. The direct Tax gets applied as the departure tax, tourist places tickets, and travel agencies. The indirect taxes get levied on the goods and services purchased by the tourists, such as food, clothes, supermarkets, grocery stores, and taxis. Thus, the tourism industry brings passive wealth to the government.
- Open job opportunities: tourism industry opens millions of job opportunities for the localities and the youth. Whether it is a hotel, restaurant, taxi, or tourist guide, it opens numerous doors of employment.
- Preservation of cultural and historical heritage: as the tourism industry is a primary source of wealth and appreciates culture throughout the world, it encourages the government to focus on the infrastructural development and preservation of cultural and historical monuments of the country. The money earned from the tourists gets used to preserve the rich heritage.
- Foster cultural Harmony: people from different cultures explore the country’s historical and cultural background and interact with localities. It helps to build understanding between two cultures, eventually fostering cultural solidarity among Countries.
- Earn foreign exchange: The growing tourism industry helps a country earn foreign exchange from foreign tourists. This money gets used for the economic or infrastructural development of the country. Investment of money depends upon the policies of hosting destinations.
- Build international connections: tourism industry helps to foster international relationships and promote international trade. It supports businesses and industries to extend their business limits in the foreign market.
- Boost service sectors: tourism industries contribute to the growth of service sectors involved in the tourism sector, such as hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, the art and craft, airlines, and retail businesses. These businesses experience tremendous growth due to the increasing tourism industry.
Importance of tourism industry:
The tourism industry is a vital aspect of the economic development of a country. Its importance gets recognized throughout the world.
The tourism industry has enormous economic potential and pleasures tourists. These do not only contribute to the economic development of a country but also help tourists to acquire new experiences and knowledge.
The Economic value of tourism gets recognized throughout the world. According to a study, the tourism industry contributes approximately 7% to the overall GDP of the world’s economy. It helps a country earn foreign exchange and revenues from the tourist’s expenditures. This money gets used for infrastructural development, public facilities, and economic use. Many host countries spend the money earned from revenue in public facilities development such as schools, colleges, hospitals, roads, bridges, and others.
Some host destinations may reinvest this money in the tourism spots development and the preservation of cultural and historical monuments. Thus, the tourism industry has high economic value.
A tourist explores a host destination and learns new things. A tourist gets new experiences, understands new cultures and traditions, and learns to live life in a new way. These adventurous trips help them to enhance their life quality with changed perspectives.
A trip to a new place helps a person to find the inner peace lost in their busy lives. It is like an escape from all the worries and busy lifestyles. It helps to relax a person’s mind and enhance wellbeing.
Tourism also helps to develop the educational aspect of tourists and visitors. It helps them learn about new cultures, country dishes, exotic animals, and the historical value behind a monument. Thus, tourism has high educational value.
Knowing the cultural values of each other helps to establish cultural solidarity between countries. Moreover, it helps strengthen international relationships and promote trade throughout the world. It is the best way to promote a peace and harmony agenda in different countries.
The tourism industry does not only contribute to the economic development and enjoyment of tourists but also helps localities in several ways. The tourism industry provides jobs to millions of people and makes them earn their living. A tourist guide, hotel staff, transportation workers, labourers, taxi drivers, and many service providers get employees; who are directly or indirectly engaged in tourism. The tourism industry also helps local communities to enhance their arts and handicrafts businesses.
There are several other aspects in which the importance of the tourism industry can be demonstrated.
Features of the tourism industry:
The tourism industry has the following features that differentiate it from other Industries:
- No physical outlook: tourism industry is intangible and incorporeal. A tourism product has no materialistic appearance as it gets perceived by feeling and experience. Seeing the sunset, morning breeze, listening to the waves of the river, and dancing to the music can only be felt through senses and enjoyment. These things cannot be visualised or do not have physical existence. Thus tourism is highly intangible and abstract.
- Rigidity: the tourism industry is inflexible and cannot change according to the demand. Hotels cannot build more rooms overnight to fit more customers. They cannot change their infrastructure quickly due to the fluctuating demands. The production and consumption are limited and stiff in tourism. However, hotels and restaurants always try to maintain a balance; between the fluctuating demands of customers.
- Perishability: one of the essential characteristics of tourism is its perishable nature. The production depends upon consumption. The customer must be present to utilise the product at a specific time. Once the time limit to use a product expires, it cannot get consumed or modified later. For example, if a customer books a flight ticket and is absent on the day of boarding, it cannot get used on a later day. These products cannot get stored for future use. They must get consumed at the moment in the presence of customers. Likewise, hotel rooms and transportation also depend upon consumption.
- Seasonality: tourism industry gets highly influenced by the seasons. It fluctuates according to the season, climatic change, and people’s behaviour. There are some weeks or months in which there is a high consumption rate in the tourism industry, which is less on other days. A large number of tourists visit for a specific time every year while few other times. These seasonal fluctuations are the biggest hurdle of tourism development which influences the sales in the market. It is the main reason; why many hotels, airlines, and travel agencies offer great discounts during offspring.
- Revolves around peoples: the tourism industry is people-oriented as it is a business of people. The interaction between tourists and the service providers during the whole journey; determines the quality of service. From booking a hotel room to exploring a destination is based upon personal interaction with the customer. It is not like tangible goods that get purchased after verifying features, quality, and warranty. Thus, the tourism industry revolves around people and the quality of service determined through staff interaction skills.
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External resource: Encyclopedia
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