Contributions of alchemy to chemistry

Contributions of alchemy to chemistry: development of science, Reasons for studying chemistry, Similarities between alchemy and chemistry.Introduction. Alchemy is medieval chemical science, gaming to convert the base metals into gold, discover the cure of different viral diseases, and how humans can prolong life.

Contributions of alchemy to chemistry: development of science, Reasons for studying chemistry, Similarities between alchemy and chemistry
Contributions of alchemy to chemistry: development of science, Reasons for studying chemistry, Similarities between alchemy and chemistry

Alchemy is the branch of natural philosophy that deals with elements and compounds, and alchemists try to purify things for the welfare of people. 

The art of alchemy comes through centuries of Egypt and Arabia to Greece and Rome and then western to central Europe. Alchemy is derived from the Arabian phrase al-Kimia, which means the preparation of stone by Egyptians. The term Kimia is used for the dark mystery of first matter. 

In the early days of alchemy, the astronomical signs of the planet were used as a sign of alchemy. But in the centuries of suppression, every alchemist invented their secret symbol; after that, alchemy was infamous for fraud and cheating. There were three folds of alchemists, finding the philosopher’s stone, finding the medium of Eternal youth and health, and discovering the conversion of metal into gold. 

The alchemist had outstanding contributions to chemistry developments; Alchemists worked on many chemical processes such as refining ores, manufacturing glass and ceramics, leather tanning, dyes and paints, and producing ink and gunpowder.

The Alchemists discovered many awesome experimental techniques such as purification and distillation that are very useful in daily life; laboratory tools are outstanding achievements of Alchemists, such as funnel, flask, and couples. Law of conservation of mass was described by Antonie Laurent de Lavoissier. 

If we talk about the father of modern chemistry, then Antonie Laurent’s name comes into our minds. In alchemy, we see things in their reality, while in chemistry, to read anything, we have to experiment with it; that big difference between chemistry and alchemy.

Alchemists were the first to learn how we can isolate certain metals. Nowadays, we know there are elements of these metals such as arsenic, antimony and zinc.

To find the elixir of life, discovering the philosopher’s stone and determining the relationship of humans to the cosmos are the significant aims of alchemy. Alchemists found the tools that can help work with chemicals; Lavoisier helped transform the science of observations into measurements.

Alchemy’s contribution to the development of science

Alchemy is used to improve the study of metallurgy and helps extract metals from ores, and alchemists used the most accurate and systematic methods to develop the research. The primary purpose was to take the development of chemistry as a foundation of science.

Accomplishments of Alchemists

The most important goals of alchemy are prolonging life and converting metals into gold. Alchemy was credited for developing the science of chemistry, which is the keystone of modern sciences.

For running, chemical reactions, glassware was designed. But the alchemists never get success in the conversion of lead into gold. Alchemists tried to purify and make things pure and perfect, and their common aim was converting the base metals into noble metals and discovering a cure for a horrible disease.

Reasons for studying chemistry

Here are three main reasons for studying chemistry; first, it helps anyone make solid decisions about products. Second, studying science allows you to understand the chemical reactions to improve your cooking talents. The most significant advantage of learning science is that it teaches us practical reasoning, logic, and problem-solving skills.

Contributions of Antoine-Laurent Lavoiser

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier was a meticulous experimenter who revolutionized chemistry. A. Lavoiser explained that combustion and respiration are caused by chemical reactions, named oxygen by Lavoisier. Another significant achievement is the systemized system of nomenclature.

Contributions of Robert Boyle in chemistry

Robert Boyle kept chemistry on a robust scientific basis, and he transformed alchemy and mysticism into one based on measurements. Robert Boyle explained about elements, compounds and mixtures. His most significant contribution is demonstrating the new term of chemical analysis.

Alchemy was deeply rooted in philosophy, astronomy and religion; Egypt Jabir Ibn Hayyan, who was an alchemist and physician in the court, was the first who introduced experimental methodology into alchemy. And credit goes to him due to the invention of the chemical processes used in modern chemistry. 

Alchemists tried to convert metal into gold hundreds of years ago and discovered the medicine by which people could live forever. They experimented with salt, acids and another chemical, but nowadays, scientists do not know alchemy as a branch of science. Scientists discovered a new element from modern physics and chemistry. 

The periodic table was found by Dobereiner for understanding the chemicals and physical properties of elements by the contribution of Antonie Laurent, John Newland and Glenn T.

Process of Alchemy

There are eight steps of the alchemy process; Ablation is the method in which the upper part or layer is removed with the help of a feather or cloth.

The second Qualification is the second method or step in which the making matter becomes white during the alchemical work.

The next process is ablution, amalgamation, ascension, assation, calcination and cementation.

The person who studies alchemy is known as an alchemist. Alchemy was practiced in Ancient Egypt, Persia, in classical Greece and Rome, India, and China, in the 19th century in Europe. The alchemist aimed to discover the cure of disease, converting metal into gold.

Similarities between alchemy and chemistry

Alchemy was based on experiments, but there are experiments that have little basis in science. Chemistry uses both experiments and scientific practice. Alchemy was based on myth, magic, philosophy and spirituality; relatively modern chemistry is based on scientific theory and experiments. 

Chemistry is a scientific basis that involves elements and compounds, and alchemy is the ancient branch of natural philosophy. Alchemists worked on purifying things, while chemistry involved how atoms and molecules interact. 

Alchemy was born in ancient Egypt, but it is still considered essential in many parts of the world. Chemistry observed many small things during the chemical reactions of different substances, but there were no noticeable things during the alchemy. 

But Alchemy is vital because it gave birth to new ideas, and also it is the earlier way by which chemistry came into being. In many areas of the world, the knowledge of astronomy is used, which is part of alchemy.

It is more important nowadays than in the past because the early distillation process and other techniques were born through alchemy. So we can say that alchemy has an outstanding contribution to the development of chemistry.

Read also: Ancient ontology; Biochemistry Meaning and Uses; What is a molecule?

External resource: encyclopedia

Angel Eulises Ortiz