Low uric acid causes

Introduction: Low uric acid causes. Uric acid is a waste product of purines. The chemical breakdown of purines produced uric acid. It passes to the kidney for purification and then passes out of the body through urine.

Genetic, environmental, and diet can also reduce uric acid. Chemotherapy, radiation, and hormonal changes are the reason for uric acid deficiency. Estrogen hormone suppresses its secretion, while androgen hormone stimulates its production. Both work antagonists to each other. 

Low uric acid causes
Low uric acid causes

A small amount of it in the blood is average, but sometimes it goes above or below the normal range. An imbalance in it causes sickness. Its excess in the blood causes hypercupremia and gout.

At the same time, low uric acid causes Fanconi syndrome. Joints get inflammation and are painful to touch. Low level is less common and rare. A low level causes more urination, and the body receives dehydration.

Its deficiency causes Hypouricemia. It occurs due to a kidney disease called Fanconi syndrome, and Wilson disease is also the cause of low uric acid. Lack of minerals and fiber furthermore causes it.

Let’s know Low uric acid causes

Causes of low uric acid

The causes of low uric acid could be more precise. Genetic and environmental factors and diet play essential roles in uric acid levels.

Wilsons disease

It is a disease in which copper accumulates in significant organs like the brain and liver. It damages their tissue, leading to decreased uric acid levels, and is the reason for kidney diseases.

It is a rare inherited disease affecting young and older adults. It occurs in people aged 5-35 years. Copper plays a vital role in developing nerves, bones, collagen, and skin pigment.

You can absorb it through your food, and excess of it can exert through bile formation in the liver. But this disease is not eliminated and accumulates in the brain and liver. It is curable, and many people are living with this disorder.

Low levels may lead to severe disorders like liver problems and kidney diseases. It also causes nervous issues and blood problems.


Low blood uric acid Almost 1-2% of it occurs in hospital patients. Its reason is the use of salicylate and nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs. These reduce blood serum uric acid in the body.

It also increases urination when you have a kidney problem like a stone. In suicide attempts, people may get into Hypouricemia.

Chemotherapy or cancer 

Parental nutrition and chemotherapy can lead to lower uric acid in the blood. Cancer patients having chemotherapy are more likely to have a chance of low uric acid.

Minerals deficiency 

Minerals are essential for health. Low intake of minerals like zinc in the diet may lead to down the uric acid and cause Hypouricemia.

Genetic inheritance 

Genetic mutation in transporter-like protein and rate transporter can cause low uric acid. It is rare when no other cause of low uric acid.

Hormones issue

Two hormones are essential for the transportation of protein 9 in the kidney. It suppresses the transportation process while another opposite hormone, androgens, stimulates its movements.

Lack of purine-rich food 

Uric acid is a purine product produced by its chemical metabolism. Avoiding purine-rich food like meat, fish, red and organ meat, and shellfish leads to low uric acid.

Excess and deficiency of uric acid are dangerous. Thus you should take the average amount of purine-rich food based on body requirements.

Natural sugar products deficiency 

Sugary products are also crucial for a healthy life. When you avoid consuming natural sweeteners, the body can’t meet the sugar need.

You should take honey, fruits, and vegetables, giving you natural sweetness. You should avoid taking artificial sugary products like alcohol and quench sugar cravings.

Fiber in diet 

When you take more fiber in your diet, it reduces uric acid levels. Its sources are oats, nuts, apples, lentils, pear, and brown spinach rice. 

Lack of Sources of uric acid

The chemical breakdown of purines produces it. Other sources of high-purine substances include beans, beer, fish, and liver.

Symptoms of the low acid levels

• More urine discharge than normal

• Lack of water intake

• Body gets dehydrated

• Joints become painful to touch.

• Nausea and vomiting 

• Back pain and pain inside

• Fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, and abdomen pain.

• Eye color discrimination 

• Fluid accumulation in the abdomen and legs

• cause problems with speech, swallowing food & water, and physical activities.

The uric acid level in males and females

A normal uric acid level is essential for good health, but its excess and deficiency can affect health. High level in the body causes gout, and low level is rare. Low levels occur when too much has been excreted from the body.

In females, the low level of urine is 1.5mg/dl, the high level is 6mg/dl, and the average grade is 1.5- 6 mg/dl. In males, the intermediate level is 2.5- 7mg/dl, the low level is below 2.5, and the high is 7mg/dl.

Uric acid Test 

A uric acid test is a serum blood test to see how much of it is in your blood. It also checks how well your body is producing and exceeding it.

After a blood test, if there is little uric acid, then it is a sign of liver or kidney disease. Excess of Uric acid in the blood indicates gout or hyperuricemia.

Purpose of Test 

• To diagnose kidney disorder 

• Check kidney function after injury 

• Find out the causes of kidney stone 

• Monitoring of effects of chemotherapy or radiation 

Conclusion: Low uric acid causes

Uric acid is a chemical compound produced from the chemical degradation of purines. It passes through the kidney for purification and then passes out of the body through urine.

Sometimes it increases or decreases in your body, making you sick. Its deficiency will cause kidney problems and Wilson’s disease. In this disease, copper accumulates in the liver and kidney, which stops protein transport.

In low uric acid conditions, urination is fast, and the body gets dehydrated. Low levels cause oxidative stress and diabetes.

Also read: Purines and uric acid; Food to increase uric acid; High uric acid effects.