Milk and uric acid

Milk and uric acid. Milk is bad for uric acid. Seriously? All substances in the body are regulated. Food has the ability to alter them and a good example is milk and uric acid.

Milk And Uric Acid
Milk is bad; for uric acid

Uric acid is a compound substance that occurs in the body once purines eaten in the diet are broken down. It can rise excessively creating “hyperuricemia” or it can go down to normal levels. When rising, the risk of kidney stones and gout increases so the patient begins to see classic manifestations that can make him feel bad.

Taking care of uric acid levels in the body is very important. Diet is a fundamental factor for each of the people who have problems with uric acid and today you will learn how milk can be beneficial or dangerous for your uric acid levels.

What happens to the body if it has elevated uric acid?

Having high uric acid can cause inflammation in the joints. That way, gout attacks can come on and cause a lot of pain. When formed from purine metabolism, uric acid can rise thanks to the consumption of various foods, so diet is very important.

The body works in such a way that the increase of some compound can create imbalance. If there is high uric acid, you should try:

  • Increase the excretion of urates so that uric acid lowers the body
  • Promote the practice of a proper diet with foods that help reduce elevated uric acid and decrease the risk of stones.
  • Reduce the intake of foods that have abundant purines.

What does milk have to do with it?

Food is an indispensable source of vitamins and minerals. Ideally, the diet can provide people with all the nutrients they need to live properly. If you have an unbalanced eating habit, then you would be creating the risk of contracting different diseases.

In the case of uric acid, coming from purine metabolism, it can be modified thanks to diet. There are some foods that may or may not help uric acid be maintained. One of them is milk. This food has the property of helping those who have high levels of uric acid.

Benefits of Milk in Uric Acid

Each food has its dose of collaboration in the human body. Some are more beneficial than others but milk has been talked about a lot. As for uric acid and the way milk helps are:

  • Excretion of uric acid in the urine.
  • Decreases and oxidizes the precursor substrates of urates in the future.
  • It helps to reduce inflammation of the joints and other areas that need it.

Milk is a type of food that can be combined and enjoyed in different presentations. There are certain products that feature Lactobacillus, known probiotic species responsible for decreasing uric acid levels in the blood. These probiotics can also be found in other dairy products containing Lactobacillus casei Shorita.

Is it bad to consume milk with high uric acid?

It Is Bad To Consume Milk With High Uric Acid
It is bad to consume milk with high uric acid

The answer is no. It is not bad to consume milk if you have high uric acid as this can rather help reduce the hyperuricemia you are experiencing. In this way, including milk and other dairy foods in your diet can help you achieve better health.

Milk tends to be said to be bad for uric acid because of the popular belief that it is “fermented” in the stomach and then converted into uric acid. The truth is that this is a myth that has been scientifically debunked since milk is able to help hyperuricemic people.

Now, what you should do is try to consume a diet that is rich in milk and its derivatives. This will help your health improve and that uric acid can decrease in a natural and painless way. To obtain a diet that suits your needs, we recommend you go to a nutritionist or a trusted doctor who designs a special eating plan for you.

Other Foods That Help Lower Uric Acid

There are several foods that help decrease uric acid apart from milk. Some of them are quite simple and you have surely tried them before.

Water: Milk and uric acid

The universal liquid and the most necessary for the human being is a great element to help decrease uric acid. It happens that purines are soluble in water so uric acid ends up getting rid of it in the urine. The more water you consume, the more uric acid is being eliminated. You can make it in dishes such as soups, creams, yogurts or even tea.


It does not matter if they are green or yellow, peppers are a food that has a high presence of vitamin C. This makes it possible to reduce uric acid and it can also prevent diseases such as gout. You can include it in your dishes in very creative ways. We especially recommend red pepper since it is the one with the highest amount of vitamin C.


The journal Arthritis and Rheumatism has generated a study in which caffeine is linked to a lower amount of uric acid in the body. What happens is that coffee has antioxidant effects that are responsible for this reduction of uric acid in the body.

Fresh Fruits

The good thing about fresh fruits is that they are totally free of purines. Therefore, including them in your diets is a great advantage that will give you a sweet and healthy taste at the same time. Fresh fruits prevent uric acid from forming since they do not provide more purines in turn that provide the body with a good dose of vitamin C.

Uric acid can spoil your health and that will make you have to change your diet. Milk can help you get better so it’s time to include it in your diet!

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Valuable external resource: Wikipedia

Angel Eulises Ortiz