Software Business Model

Software business model: Example, revenue, Definition, Erp, whit label. A business model (BM) is an explanation of how a business generates and distributes value to consumers. As well as describing a company’s products and services, it describes how the company will be reimbursed for them.

Software Business Model: Example, Revenue, Definition, Erp, Whit Label
Software business model: Example, revenue, Definition, Erp, whit label

Business models serve as a theoretical framework that describes who a company serves, what it delivers, how it delivers it, and how it maintains profitability.

The business model includes all business procedures and rules that a firm establishes and maintains. In order to be successful at your business, you need to know who your target market is, what value you can offer them, and how you can do it at an affordable price.

Consequently, a business model outlines how a company generates, distributes, and receives profit for its customers and for itself as well. Likewise, understanding and estimating income are crucial to estimating value. In order to determine how the company generates money, a number of factors must be identified and examined. Here are a few of them:

  • Market competition
  • Value proposition
  • A competitive strategy
  • Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • Effects of the network

In this article, we will examine revenue models and explore monetization tactics used by software product firms to help you decide if your business model is appropriate for your product. Each business model has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the intention is to help you decide which revenue model works best for you.

Example: Software business model

It is not unusual for business models to vary in size and shape. Each one varies from one company to the next and from one service to the next. An advertising agency, for instance, has a completely different business model than a manufacturing company. Companies in the same industry may have different business models. Below is a list of some of the most common business models among technology firms:

Freemium business model: The first edition of your product is free, but you charge for extra features and services.

Free trial business model: Customers are allowed to test the entire product for free for a limited time.

Licensing business model: Innovations or technology are licensed to other companies for monetization.

Open-source business model: Your product is free, but you make money by crowdsourcing or other methods.

Subscription business model: Customers pay a monthly or yearly fee to have access to a product or service.

As businesses grow, they tend to employ a mixture of business models in order to reach potential customers and grow as an organization.


A revenue model is a component of a business model defining the many methods of generating income and the sources of those revenues. Using this example, I’ll provide a high-level response to the question of how we’ll monetize the value we provide to a particular consumer segment.

A simple revenue model involves reserving space on a blog for advertisements in order to monetize it. Publicly available content, such as news (value), can be leveraged for advertising purposes by using their traffic (audience). The money generated by ads can cover a website’s operating expenses and employee benefits, thereby generating a profit.

In revenue modelling, revenue streams are managed, revenue is forecasted, and revenue strategies are changed. One of the key performance indicators that companies look at is revenue. When we measure our business annually or quarterly, we can determine how it functions in general and whether we need to change the way we sell or charge for things.

Revenue streams are the unique sources of revenue that a company generates. It is common for them to be categorized into consumer segments generating revenue through specific techniques. Subscription revenue models will have a revenue source derived from subscriptions from a business standpoint, so the terms revenue stream and revenue model are often confused.

Revenue models are components of the business models of companies that generate income. They include subscriber-based revenue, licensing revenue, and markup revenue. Revenue models assist companies in identifying revenue-generating methods, defining target customers, determining how to price their products, and prioritizing revenue sources.

It is not uncommon for revenue streams and revenue models to be confused given that each is a single income generation source. Also, they have a hard time understanding revenue models, which are subsets of business models. Business owners should consider revenue models as part of their business models to determine how to manage their revenue streams.

You will incur costs that your business can’t sustain without a well-considered revenue model. Based on an accurate revenue model, you can set, track, and forecast business growth for specific segments of your customer base.

There are some key differences between revenue models. It’s unlikely that an arbitrage model would work very well if you’re a SaaS company developing your own software. You cannot build a subscription-based business model if you are a seller or if your product is a medium. In most cases, the donation model won’t fit a product that has a large potential income ceiling.

Nevertheless, you have the choice to choose one revenue model among the ones that are right for your product, and to decide how you will combine them with relevant components of other models. Make sure your product and market are always in mind when choosing, adding to, and refining your model. From then on, your revenue generation should be straightforward.


The business model is the blueprint for how a company will become profitable. At the end of the day, a company’s potential boils down to its essence. In business models, you should address questions about what you’re going to do and how you’re going to solve the problem, as well as potential market growth.

Developing a successful business model is essential for any firm that is setting up, expanding, or changing its approach to marketing. You can use a business model to centralize all of your assumptions and conclusions about the opportunity to be sure you’re doing the right thing.


An ERP system is a software application that manages enterprise resources. Accounting software, which is known as enterprise resource planning software, is a collection of sophisticated and strategic business process management technologies used in the management of data.

Even though every company and organization today face a unique challenge, they share a similar requirement: they need a reliable and effective way to store and retrieve information if they are to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.

Enterprise Resource Planning systems address this requirement. Integrated business software integrates all aspects of a business into a single, comprehensive information system, which is accessible by everyone in the company.

When competent ERP software is in place, business owners and leaders gain real-time visibility into the inner workings of their operations, are able to automate and streamline repetitive back-office tasks, assist staff in becoming more productive and successful, and can automate repetitive back-end tasks. You will gain an in-depth understanding of Enterprise Resource Planning by studying this resource.

An ERP system is a combination of software and technologies that enables your company to interact with all aspects of its operations. In an ERP system, the information about all aspects of a business is gathered together. Planned and scheduled employees, for example, can access financial management data for their specialized needs.

All data is available in real-time, so employees can make faster, more informed business decisions. A single ERP system provides up-to-date information for all key company functions, including estimation, production, finance, human resources, marketing, sales, and purchasing.

Your organization’s data can be collected, stored, and used more efficiently with enterprise resource planning systems. By utilizing the right ERP system, you can collect and store data from the following areas in one centralized location:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • HR
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Product Management
  • Information Systems
  • Inventory Management
  • Managing inventory
  • Managing the supply chain
  • Managing the point-of-sale (POS)
  • ECommerce

White label

Software marketed as the white label is software used by a company but branded as its own. Many White Label Software providers offer their solutions on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis. Software is basically rented or leased on a monthly or annual basis from the company that purchases it. Using white-labelled software is beneficial for companies for a wide range of reasons.

White label software is not branded and is delivered to resellers. Adding their logo or simply removing the original logo, the reseller customizes the platform and then sells access to the platform as though it were their own. The fact that they are doing this is not known to most clients.

Using poor techniques to protect the white label may lead to customers becoming aware of the layout. Sometimes, end users may try to bypass the reseller by directly purchasing the software in order to get a better deal.

Final Thoughts

You should carefully consider what business model will be most suitable for your company. We are able to use many different types of business models and revenue streams on the Internet today. No limit exists!

Read also: What is Information Technology?

External resources: altexsoft

Angel Eulises Ortiz