Introduction: Types of Ethics. Ethics can refer to the philosophical study of moral right and wrong, moral good and evil, any philosophical theory of moral right and wrong, and any system or code of moral codes. The latter may belong to particular religions, cultures, professions, or virtually any other group characterized at least partly by its moral outlook.
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that analyzes morality, values, and how individuals and societies should behave. Within the field of ethics, several distinct types or branches provide different perspectives on moral questions and dilemmas.
Here, we will delve into these types of ethics in detail:

Types of Ethics
When did ethics start, and how did it develop? If one has ethics in mind—the systematic study of what is morally right and wrong—it is clear that ethics can only come into being when one begins to consider the best way to live. This reflective phase emerged long after some form of morality was developed in human societies, usually in traditional standards of right and wrong behavior.
A process of reflection arises from such practices, even if it ultimately finds them flawed. Accordingly, ethics started with the introduction of the first moral code.
Ethics deals with such questions at every level. Its subject matter covers fundamental problems of practical decision-making, and its significant concerns contain the nature of the highest value and the standards by which human actions can be judged as right or immoral.
Morality and ethics are closely related. It is now common to refer to moral judgments or principles, whereas once it was correct to speak of them. These applications are extensions of the meaning of ethics. In the first usage, the term refers not to ethics itself but to the field of study or branch of inquiry whose subject is ethics. In this sense, ethics is similar to moral philosophy.
Although ethics has always been viewed as a philosophical unit, its purely practical nature links it to many other fields of study, including anthropology, biology, economics, history, politics, sociology, and theology.
However, ethics differs from such areas because it is not a matter of knowledge of facts like science and other branches of inquiry. Instead, it is concerned with determining the nature of normative theories and applying those principles to practical ethical problems.
Significant types of ethics are given below;
Normative Ethics:
Prescriptive Ethics, also known as normative ethics, is the study of ethical action, typically based on what is immaculately right and wrong.
- Normative ethics is more applicable to basic human behavior and actions.
- Questions such as “Is this action right (moral)? Or was this action wrong?”
- Check whether the action/result of the action meets the definition of true or false.
- Deontological ethics (concentrate on action/duty), teleological ethics (focus on outcome/end), and virtue ethics are subfields.
For example, is it wrong to kill one person to save many lives?
Normative ethics involves organizing, defending, and prescribing concepts of right and wrong action (behavior). It also consists in arriving at moral standards that guide right or wrong. This is an ideal litmus test of behavioral identification.
Normative ethics provides a framework for determining what is morally right or wrong. It aims to establish a set of principles or guidelines that can be used to consider actions and decisions.
There are three primary approaches to normative ethics:
Deontological Ethics:
Deontological ethics, often associated with philosophers like Immanuel Kant, focuses on actions’ inherent rightness or wrongness, regardless of consequences. It emphasizes moral duties, rules, and principles. For example, the categorical imperative suggests that an effort is morally acceptable if universalized without contradiction.
Consequentialist Ethics:
Consequentialist ethics, on the other hand, assesses the morality of actions based on their outcomes or consequences. Utilitarianism, presented by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, is a notable example. It suggests that efforts should aim to maximize overall happiness or minimize suffering.
Virtue Ethics:
Virtue ethics, associated with Aristotle and later philosophers like Alasdair MacIntyre, focuses on developing moral virtues in individuals. It emphasizes cultivating courage, honesty, and compassion to lead a morally good life.
Meta ethics
Meta ethics can be defined as a branch of ethics concerned with the study of the nature of ethics. It analyzes the meaning of words like good, bad, right, and wrong. Meta ethics is more about philosophy in nature than it is about the nature of morality and ethics.
Meta ethics investigates where our moral and ethical principles come from and the meaning behind their application.
- Tackles such questions as what does it mean to be right? Or what does it mean to be wrong?
- Deals with the intention of right and wrong.
- Meta means about the thing.
- So Meta Ethics is ethics about ethics.
- Meta ethics is more concerned with the terms of ethics in our language. How do we define ‘good’ or ‘bad’?
For example: “What is meant by misconduct?” Another example is when we say, ‘abortion is good’ or ‘abortion is bad’?
Meta ethics delves into the nature and meaning of ethical concepts. It doesn’t provide specific moral guidelines but seeks to understand the foundations of ethics. Some key questions in Meta ethics include:
Moral Realism:
Moral realism asserts that objective moral facts exist independently of human beliefs or opinions. It posits that objective moral truths can be discovered and known.
Moral Anti-Realism:
Moral anti-realism argues that moral facts are not objective and that morality is a product of human feelings, attitudes, or social constructs. It includes views like moral relativism and moral subjectivism.
Moral Cognitivism vs. Non-Cognitivism:
Cognitivism holds that moral statements are propositions that can be true or false, while non-cognitivism argues that ethical statements express emotions, attitudes, or commands rather than facts.
Descriptive Ethics:
Descriptive ethics can be defined as branch of ethics explaining and describing the moral attitudes of people and the moral principles and practices of societies.
It concerns good, correct, or virtuous and moral behavior in societies. Descriptive ethics, also learned as comparative ethics, is empirically based and aims to explore and explain the moral beliefs of a particular culture.
- Deals with people’s beliefs about morality.
- Deals with what societies think is good or bad.
- It is an empirical investigation of the ethical views of different groups.
For example, how many of you think that hitting someone is wrong? Another instance is saying, “Everyone has a moral right to a good education.”
It is an approach to describing what people think about morality or how people behave following their morals.
Descriptive ethics describes and analyzes how people behave morally in different cultures and societies. It doesn’t prescribe what is right or wrong but seeks to understand and document existing moral practices and beliefs. It often involves anthropological and sociological research.
Applied Ethics:
Applied ethics can be characterized as a branch of moral philosophy that tries to apply moral principles and ethical theories to real-life moral problems.
- The most practical branch of ethics.
- Addresses ethical questions specific to practice areas.
- Contains bioethics, legal ethics, business ethics, medical ethics, etc.
For instance, is it ethical to permit euthanasia? Other examples are the death penalty, animal rights, and war between two countries.
Applied ethics is directed to the discipline of philosophy that attempts to apply moral theory to real-life situations. For example, abortion is a significant and applicable moral topic because it involves controversial behavior.
This branch of ethics applies ethical principles to specific real-world situations and issues. It helps guide decision-making in medicine, business, law, and technology. Examples of applied ethics include:
Medical Ethics: Addresses ethical dilemmas in healthcare, such as end-of-life decisions, organ transplantation, and medical research involving human subjects.
Business Ethics: Focuses on ethical issues in the corporate world, including fair business practices, corporate social responsibility, and ethical decision-making in business.
Environmental Ethics: Examines moral principles related to the environment, conservation, and sustainable practices.
Bioethics: This branch of ethics Deals with ethical questions arising from advancements in biology, genetics, and medical technology, including issues like cloning and genetic engineering.
Environmental Ethics:
Environmental ethics is a specialized branch of ethics that centers on ethical principles related to the environment and our relationship with nature. It addresses issues such as:
Ecocentrism: This perspective argues that the environment has intrinsic value, disconnected from its usefulness to humans, and should be protected for its own sake.
Anthropocentrism: Contrary to ecocentrism, anthropocentrism places human interests at the center and considers the environment valuable primarily for its utility to humans.
Deep Ecology: Deep ecology advocates for a radical reorientation of human values and relationships with nature, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Conservation Ethics: This approach focuses on responsible stewardship of the environment to ensure its preservation for future generations.
Conclusion: Types of Ethics
Each branch of ethics offers a unique lens through which we can examine and evaluate moral questions and dilemmas. While normative ethics provides guidelines for what is morally right or wrong, metaethics explores the foundations of ethics itself. Descriptive ethics helps us understand existing moral practices, while applied ethics guides us in addressing ethical challenges in specific contexts.
As a subset, environmental ethics deals with our moral responsibilities towards the natural world. Each branch of ethics contribute to our understanding of morality and inform ethical decision-making in various aspects of human life.
Also read: Professional Ethics in Education; Ethics in Data Collection; What is computing ethics
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