Adultery vs Bigamy

Adultery vs Bigamy. Marriage can take many forms. Society’s members to a different path from the conventional marriage practice which involves two partners only.  Bigamy is one of these forms. 

Adultery Vs Bigamy
Adultery vs Bigamy 4

Bigamy occurs when someone is legally married to another and participates in a marriage ceremony with another. One cannot experience polygamy without engaging in bigamy, which is the practice of having more than one spouse at a time. An adulterous relationship is a sexual relationship between a married couple and another person who is not their spouse. It is the act of marrying again while the first marriage is still valid that is referred to as bigamy.

The purpose of this guide is to explore two notable non-traditional systems of romantic partnership. Also discussed will be the similarities, differences, and other related practices between bigamy and polygamy.

What is Adultery?

Adultery comes from the Old French word ‘avouterie’, which means ‘voluntary violation of a marriage bed’. When a married person has sexual relations with someone other than his or her lawful spouse, it is used in context.

In most societies, adultery is considered a crime because marriage is seen as a pure form of a relationship. There are many places where it can also be used as a ground for divorce. 

A married person establishing a sexual relationship with a person other than his/her spouse is considered an adulterer only if there is a crossing of the boundary between unfaithfulness and unfaithfulness crossing the boundary. A married person can have an affair with an unmarried person, or an unmarried person can have an affair with the spouse of someone else. Both ways, it is considered derogatory towards marriage.

Adultery is considered one of Ohio’s misdemeanor offenses, and convicted offenders can serve up to six months in jail. A divorce can also be granted based on bigamy, just as adultery is. 

What is Bigamy? Adultery vs Bigamy

Bigamy occurs when a couple marries again while their original marriage is still valid. In many countries, this is also considered an offense against state law, so the accused is convicted. Basically, the term refers to a second marriage, which is what the word literally means. In Islamic marital jurisprudence, polygamy, or having more than one wife or husband, is permitted for Muslim men.

There is a perception that people who are in bigamous unions are committing crimes. It is possible to be punished for simply cohabiting under circumstances that support bigamy in some areas.

If monogamy is mandated in a culture, bigamy refers to entering a marriage with another person while your marriage to another is still valid. Marriage status remains the same regardless of whether the couple is legally separated or de facto separated.

Divorcing spouses are considered legally married until their divorce becomes final or absolute under the law of their respective jurisdiction. Couples in de facto or cohabitation relationships, as well as those who enter such relationships when they are legally married, are not subject to bigamy laws. Due to the void nature of the prior marriage, both parties are free to marry another without running afoul of the bigamy laws, since the prior marriage is not valid.

Many countries recognize monogamous marriages as the only form of marriage and consider bigamy to be a crime. It is common for the first and second spouses to be unaware of each other when it occurs in this context. Apart from Egypt and Iran, countries with bigamy laws consider second marriages to be null and void without consent from a previous spouse.



Rather than referring to the spouse, it refers to the intended sexual relationship between a married person and the person.It is the act of getting married again while the first marriage remains valid; having two husbands or two wives at the same time.


It varies from country to country. The convicted are also subjected to harsh punishments such as the death sentence and stoning to death in some countries. There is, however, a worldwide protest against these punishments.Similarly, the punishment varies from country to country when it is considered illegal. As a rule, the penalties consist of a considerable fine or incarceration.


Etymologically, Originally meaning “voluntary infringement of marital bed “, in Old FrenchBigamous means “twice married” in Late Latin.

The main differences between bigamy and polygamy

The union of multiple partners may be a recurring theme in bigamy and polygamy. It is important to note, however, that these relationships are not the same. To distinguish between the two unions, the following should be noted:

The level of awareness of spouses

It is common for spouses in polygamous marriages to be aware of their other partners. Many couples are unaware of their partner’s other marriage when they are involved in bigamy.

The different classifications of law

Several countries allow polygamous marriages between multiple partners. Nevertheless, bigamy is largely regarded as illegal, since the ceremony of joining one person to multiple people is prohibited.

Living Style 

To accommodate the separate partners, bigamists typically maintain two households. A polygamist, however, keeps a single household where all spouses live together.

Religion’s Influence

An area may practice polygamy as a custom. In other cases, it may be backed by a religious organization. The practice of bigamy may not be supported by culture or recognized by religion.

According to an examination of similarities, both practices involve a person marrying multiple partners simultaneously. To practice polygamy, bigamy must be practiced.


The crime of bigamy involves performing a second marriage while in a relationship with another person. Whereas a man who commits adultery merely punishes himself for having sexual relations with another man’s wife without his consent.

Read also: Adultery vs Fornication Islam; Is bigamy legal in the United States?; WHAT IS BIGAMY IN UNITED STATES?

External resource: Wikipedia

Angel Eulises Ortiz