Milk is bad for the liver

Milk is bad for the liver The liver has an important role for our body, since it is responsible for filtering and detoxifying all the substances that circulate in our blood, as well as breaking down fats so that they are subsequently absorbed correctly.

This is possible through the bile that it secretes, where all these processes are carried out. The proper functioning of the liver is, in this sense, key to the purification of different substances that circulate in our body. However, the responsibility does not fall entirely on the liver, but also on our diet.

Milk Is Bad For The Liver
Milk is bad for the liver

Some foods and drinks can have greater influences on the liver. And, in this article, we will learn everything about milk and how it can affect this organ. Next, you will understand how this dairy treats your body’s detoxifier.

Saturated fats on the liver

Our first step is to understand the effect that saturated fats have on the liver. In this regard, we must know that these fats can cause damage to liver cells, as well as inflammation. As a consequence, some changes begin to be noticed in the body, such as obesity and also liver fibrosis.

This is why it is always recommended to regulate the consumption of saturated fats, since this can negatively affect the liver. Dairy products, as we can infer, usually contain saturated fats, so their intake must be measured, especially if they are people with a liver history.

When talking about saturated fats, it is impossible not to highlight the presence of LDL cholesterol (called bad cholesterol), which will also implicate the patient in another variety of heart-type diseases. Additionally, the consumption of saturated fats can cause insulin resistance, directly affecting the fatty liver.

Trans fats: Milk is bad for the liver

For their part, trans fats have a similar effect to that of saturated fats on the liver, but to a greater extent. As a consequence of this, its consumption can more quickly cause coronary heart disease, as well as damage to the liver due to increased cholesterol.

They alter the microbiota, which produces greater accumulation of fat in the liver. Trans fats can also be responsible for increasing intestinal inflammation, altering the patient’s body weight.

The fatty liver

Faced with excessive consumption of saturated fats, fatty liver occurs. A condition that consists, as its name indicates, of the presence of fat inside the liver, which can lead to more complex diseases.

There are two types of fatty livers, fatty liver with alcohol and fatty liver without alcohol. Neither of the two conditions presents a “visible” symptom, so they are not usually diagnosed in a timely manner.

Where does milk figure in all this?

It is impossible to understand the implications of milk on the liver without first knowing how saturated fats and cholesterol play a role in this entire process. Regarding dairy products, specifically milk, it must be taken into account that there are multiple varieties of milk today.

Milk according to fat content

To consume milk, a person has several options, especially if there is an illness involved, where it is important to regulate the presence of some components. The first classification that we will find is:

  1. Whole milk: This contains approximately 4% fat.
  2. Semi-skimmed milk: Also called semi-skimmed, which has up to a maximum of 2% fat.
  3. Skim milk: Its composition does not even reach 1% fat, being the lightest of the three in saturated fats.

People with fatty liver should drink skim milk, as this will allow them to cut the largest amount of saturated fat that enters their body. With this, the chances of suffering from liver pathologies and increasing cholesterol, which evokes another variety of diseases, are reduced.

At a more general level, dairy consumption should be evaluated from this same perspective. The lighter they are in saturated fats, the less damage they will cause to the liver, avoiding any type of damage.

An asymptomatic organ

One of the most delicate aspects of liver health is its asymptomatic quality. A person can have fatty liver without even realizing it. Only when collateral damage occurs, or when we talk about advanced diseases, is the condition of fatty liver usually noticed.

From this point, it is important to reflect on the importance of a healthy diet, where we control the levels of cholesterol and fats (trans or saturated) present in our foods. Diseases mark a limit point with respect to a disorder in our body or lifestyle.

Food is, without a doubt, one of these aspects to consider. Therefore, we must be very cautious regarding our diet, even if we are not experiencing any type of illness.

Not everything is liver damage

It is important to know that milk should not be considered a clearly harmful agent for our body. There are many considerations that we must make before reaching a conclusion:

  1. The problem may lie in excesses: Whether we are talking about milk, water or fruits, excesses are still harmful in this case. A glass of milk won’t hurt anyone, but maybe 6 glasses will. This is where we must pay attention.
  2. Everything can be adjusted to our diet: In the same way that we can find milk according to its fat content, we can find milk of plant origin, which is also helpful for people with developing stomach conditions. Soy milk, almond milk, etc.
  3. Milk also contributes: It is still true that milk can also benefit the liver in some way. For example, it is known that it also helps to detoxify some structures in our body, as well as regulate the intestinal microflora through lactose and lysozyme.

Finally, is milk bad for the liver?

Drinking milk will not result in immediate or chronic damage, but doing so without understanding the limits of our health will. Let’s value a checkup from a specialist, who will know how to guide us as to what we can consume and to what extent.

Read also: Milk and uric acid; Is milk high in cholesterol? 
